Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 963

"I won't let her have this chance!" Yang Xi gritted her teeth angrily.

Staring at Li Yajing and helping Cen Sufen into the elevator, she originally wanted to send Cen Sufen back in person. She suddenly remembered that she had not gone to the monitoring room to copy the picture of Cheng yingxuan handing in the white paper.

So, still did not send.

Immediately take another elevator to the floor where the monitoring room is located.

Yang Xi originally thought that copying the game screen monitoring would be blocked, but it was successfully copied to.

She thought that the future title of Mrs. Yan Shao was easy to use, and even the person in charge of monitoring in the security room should give her face.

But it took a lot of time to copy the two-hour picture.

She can't wait to edit the pictures, and she directly uploaded the copied pictures to the most popular video website in the local area.

Because of the early stage is everyone in the painting picture, is very boring, did not cause much repercussions at the moment.

Only a lot of netizens are leaving messages to guess who is likely to win?

Yang Qian was the most popular.

Everyone thinks that she is a returned student from France. The content of this competition is good at. They all think that Yang Xi will win.

Yang Xi was confident and relieved when she saw how much face was given to her.

She also specially posted her microblog account and left a message to thank those who supported her.


In the president's office, Li Ze said admiringly, "Mr. Yan, as you expected, Miss Yang really went to the monitoring room to copy the game pictures in the conference room."

Yan shiting's lip corner sneered and said, "the cheap guy surnamed Yang likes to show off. She didn't notice that Cheng yingxuan finished drawing in ten minutes. She must have thought that yingxuan had handed in the blank paper. She will not miss the opportunity to let the majority of netizens Xi luoyingxuan. I just did it for her

"However, this time, all the drawings of this competition have been leaked out..." Li Ze hesitated.

"I have ordered that, in addition to Cheng yingxuan's competition drawings, the rest of the staff's drawings in the monitoring system are directly mosaic."

"The president is wise!"


It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

In the conference room on the 85th floor of thunderbolt group, all the tables and chairs have been removed and replaced by a row of chairs with backs less than half a meter from the front to the back, for each participant and the competent person of each department.

With the removal of the previous examination table, there will be more people in the conference room.

In the front, there is a long row of tables and chairs, which are the table of the jury.

In the overall situation, there is a specially invited host from outside to preside over the award ceremony.

The conference room was full of people waiting for awards, and even the corridor outside was full of onlookers.

There was a reporter carrying a camera during the whole shooting process.

CEN Sufen, the president's mother, specially arranged a chair for her in the first row.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yan Li, the host." "I'm very happy to preside over today's award ceremony for all of you..." said the handsome young host in suit and leather shoes, speaking standard Mandarin

"Wow, it's Yan Liju, the host of Chenxia TV station!" A female staff member cheered, "he is so handsome!"

"I am much more handsome than on TV..."

There's a lot of praise from female employees.

"Thank you for your compliments. Although I have a different surname from Mr. Yan, I feel very honored to have the same pronunciation as Mr. Yan... " After Yan Li's relaxed and funny opening remarks, he made everyone laugh, "the most critical moment is here! In this elite design competition, after the unanimous evaluation of the jury, there are a total of four candidates, respectively won the first place, the second place, the third place, and Grand prize , the fastest update of the webnovel!