Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 945

"How dare you, Miss Yang Zheng Wei was indignant.

Then she thought that with the boss's character and daring to move Cheng Gong, Yang Xi really wanted to die.

He should have prayed for Yang Xi that she would not die too soon.

Yan shiting returned the kraft paper bag to Zheng Wei, "put it on the desk in the study."

Yang Xi that bitch, he will never let her go!

First let Cheng yingxuan see how cheap that woman Yang Xi is, and see that she pushes him to Yang!

"Yes." Zheng Wei turns around and takes the kraft paper bag to the study.


Cheng yingxuan went to pick up her son, Cheng Xiaobao, and came back from school. Zheng Wei left. She said politely, "Xiao Zheng, you can go after dinner."

Zheng Wei really wants to.

If he did stay for dinner, he would be skinned by the boss and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

"No, thank you for your kindness." Zheng Wei winked at her, "Cheng Gong, you can be at ease this time."

"What peace of mind?" There was a look of doubt on her face.

"Your relationship with boss will be better." Because Yang Xi dares to give boss a green hat, even if the Yan family needs a crucial vote of the Yang family, Yang Xi is not qualified to become the future Yan Shao's wife.

Cheng yingxuan is puzzled. What is the relationship between her and Yan shiting better?

It's not good at all, OK?

See Zheng Wei take the elevator down, she is also too lazy to ask.

After dinner, Cheng Xiaobao went back to her room, and Cheng yingxuan went to her study to study the design drawings of the building's appearance.

She glanced at a brown paper bag on her desk, picked it up and looked at it. There was nothing written on the cover of the bag.

Maybe it's Yan shiting's document.

I wanted to take a look at it

On second thought, maybe it's an important document. It's not good for her to peek at it without permission.

So she casually put the file bag into the drawer.

Yan shiting washed the dishes in the kitchen. He thought that the president of thunder group earned tens of millions of money in a second, and he became a kitchen worker.

For a month or two, he cooked and cooked for Cheng yingxuan's mother and son every day. Instead of being bored, he felt very happy.

The magic of love really devours the heart.

In the past, he never believed in love. Since he met Cheng yingxuan, everything has changed

And he was happy.

Pushing open the door of the study, I saw Cheng yingxuan writing and painting in front of her desk. Her eyes glanced at the desk, but she didn't see the yellow brown paper bag.

She should have put it away.

I don't know what Cheng yingxuan thought when she saw the picture of Yang Xi and Jiang Ming falling in love with each other?

No matter what she thinks, she won't push him to Yang Xi again, will she?

The next morning, Yang Xi went to work in the company. She heard from her colleagues in the personnel department that yesterday, President Yan even called in person to ask if she had come to the company?

She asked about the time when Mr. Yan called the company, which happened to be a short time after she left Cheng yingxuan's home.

Yan always cares about her in person!

Yang Xi's heart was surging!

I must be afraid that it is not safe for her to drive on the road.

I knew that President Yan was so worried about her. She went to bed with him yesterday. Why bother to sneak to Jiang Ming's apartment.

Entering the door of the chief engineer's office, I saw Cheng yingxuan and Zhang Jing sitting behind their desks.

She coughed hard to attract the attention of both of them

Zhang Jing's assistant glanced at her. Cheng yingxuan's eyes were fixed on the computer screen. She was busy, and her head did not deviate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!