Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 942

She wanted to follow Yan shiting very much, but she didn't dare to get close to him.

Glancing at the tea table, she helped him pour the tea before, motionless.

It looks like he can't drink at all.

Fortunately, she restrained herself and did not put medicine in his glass of water.

Otherwise, he will find out

Yang Xi shuddered.

No one can break the ground on Tai Sui's head!

After entering the room, Cheng yingxuan opens the computer screen, presses several times on the keyboard, and replays the footage from the kitchen just now.

Because some time ago, I invited a tutor for Xiaobao. Some of them taught Xiao Bao's piano, and some tutored math and English.

Yan shiting has a special identity. Since Xiaobao was the secret of Yan shiting's son, she was afraid that someone would be harmful to Xiaobao and worried about her son's safety. Therefore, she installed pinhole cameras in every corner of her room, balcony and kitchen.

It's really useful now.

Yang Qian's every move in the kitchen was clearly recorded on the computer screen.

She helped Yan shiting pour tea, but she didn't prescribe any medicine.

The second time Yang Xi poured water again, she clearly saw that she put a white pill into the water cup, the pill melted into the water, and disgustingly stirred it with her finger into the water cup.

Cheng yingxuan snorted coldly, and knew that Yang Xi had no intention.

How could a young lady with a surname of Yang ask her if she wants to drink water?

Weasels pay New Year's greetings to chickens It's not nice.

Fortunately, this cup of mixed water was found out by Yan shiting and let Yang Xi drink by herself.

Cheng yingxuan had to admire Yan shiting's insight.

As for the glass of water Yang Xi poured to Yan shiting, he had a strong habit of cleanliness and would not touch food or water prepared by outsiders.

Yingxuan turned off her computer, changed her clothes and went to the living room.

Yan shiting frowned, "are you going out?"

"I go to work."

"Not approved." Coldly dropped three words, Yan shiting took the remote control in his hand, changed a channel, and continued to watch TV.

"I just promised my subordinates that they would go to work..." Cheng yingxuan is almost bored at home.

"I am the boss. Has the final say." His face was as cold as ice, and there was no room for discussion.

Cheng yingxuan was grateful to him for his rescue, so she was too lazy to confront him. She said to Yang Xi, who was still clutching in the living room, "Miss Yang, shiting won't let me go to work, so I can't go. Help yourself. "

Yang Xi originally thought Cheng yingxuan would go to work. She was alone with Yan shiting and had a chance to hook him up.

How to let him want himself!

Unexpectedly, he ordered Cheng yingxuan not to go to the company.

Cheng seems to have no guts to disobey orders.

After drinking tea for more than 20 minutes, Yang Qian hesitated for a long time. She didn't know whether it was the natural senhan atmosphere on Yan shiting who was too strong, or what. She was inexplicably afraid that she did not get his permission and did not dare to get close to him.

The effect of the water she drank was more than an hour before it broke out. After struggling for a while, she thought it was important to find a man to solve her desire.

Otherwise, if Yan shiting doesn't touch her later, she will be in trouble if she can't control the inside!

Dare to prescribe medicine to Cheng yingxuan. He is afraid that he will not let her go!

"Mr. Yan, since Cheng Gong has recovered, I'm relieved. There's something else in the company. I'll go first. " She bowed and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!