Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 912

"It's up to you to take cheating for granted." She cast a lip corner, "you this set, can't teach bad my treasure."

Yan shiting's long finger was on the steering wheel, and his expression was noncommittal. "My son, my genes, don't need to be taught, so..." He didn't like to describe his son. He temporarily changed it to "smart."

"If one day you're smart and you're mistaken, it's over." She answers.

"You don't understand. You can't judge the situation. If you don't have a full grasp, you won't make a move."

Cheng yingxuan doesn't worry about this problem.

No matter how to say, for many years, Mu Yu Feng, who she knew, has always had the share of Yin others.

This is the first time Mu Yufeng has been overcast. It is estimated that he can be angry to death now.

She took out her mobile phone and saw that the local network was full of photos and news of the golf course match just now. And she expanded the description of Yang Xi's refusal to accept the loss.

Yan shiting was praised as a God in the comment area of the news. Everyone couldn't believe it. How could Mu Yufeng, who is more powerful than the golf champion, lose to President Yan?

The comments on the Internet were full of discussion, as well as praising her that Cheng yingxuan had won such a beautiful golf game for the first time.

The comments that were praised at most to the top were actually scolding Yang Xi.

What's more, she scolded Yang Xi for being too much of her own, and she had to compete with the goddess Xuanxuan for her poor football skills. She lost miserably.

The gold of the Yang family is such a virtue. If you lose, you don't admit it. It's really cheap. You don't have any money to practice

Surprised, Yang Xi's aunt is Cheng yingxuan!

To see the speed of the news fermentation, I was photographed by the mobile phones of the onlookers during the competition on the court, and the live broadcast was put on the Internet.

Cheng yingxuan's line of sight moved from the mobile phone screen to Yan shiting's face, "so many people scold Yang Xi, did you inspire?"

"I asked Li Ze to find a number of sailors." His tone was quiet. He admitted. Coagulate her one eye, "you this intelligence quotient, see so quickly?"

"Why, you think I'm stupid?" She was a little unhappy. "Although such a black comment by Yang Xi is true, it has been deleted by the media for a long time with the influence of the Yang family. There must be a greater force that will not allow the deletion. If it is not for you, who else can it be? "

"You're smart." He gave her a doting glance. "Even if I'm stupid, I'll I like it. "

Love word, as proud as he is, can not be said anytime and anywhere.

"I didn't expect to be as cold as you are. You would even make a comment about Yang Xi, who hired the navy to blacken Yang Xi, and praised all the comments that scolded Yang Qian to the front row of the news..." She murmured.

"You know who I am for." Yan shiting didn't want to do such a boring thing. Who let the cheap guy named Yang always aim at Xuanxuan.

She was silent.

He was protecting her, and she was moved by the waves.


In the living room of Yang's family, Yang's father severely criticized Yang Qian, "did you read it online? Look for yourself, look at it

Angrily, she pointed to the laptop page on her desk, full of comments abusing Yang Xi. "She called her aunt Cheng yingxuan. You really lost all the faces of the Yang family!"

Yang Xi lowered her head. "Dad, I was wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't compete with Cheng yingxuan..."

Yang's father ordered her temple, "you fool, you shouldn't compare with her. You should not only compare with her, but also press her down fiercely. You are wrong not to know yourself and know the enemy. Cheng yingxuan hides your strength, so you are foolish to challenge. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!