Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 905

"Xuanxuan," Mu Yufeng was also angry to the extreme. She never made progress in pursuing Cheng yingxuan. She beat Yan shiting and let Yan's name hang CAI. Only then would she know the excellence of Mu Yufeng!

Thinking of having a fight with Yan shiting at the seaside

If we really want to fight, Yan shiting's skill is a little better.

He frowned again. It seemed unrealistic to try to beat Yan shiting.

I'm afraid I'll suffer.

Unless Yuxuan will fight with him, and the one named Yan will lose.

Glancing at Cheng yingxuan's cold eyebrows, she all stopped to start, presumably will not help him.

After weighing it, Mu Yufeng said wrongly, "Xuanxuan, you can see that it's Yan Shao who wants to do it, not me."

"What happened?" With a stiff Chinese accent, a foreign man with blonde hair and blue eyes came over.

Yan shiting glanced at the comer. He was an important customer of thunder group, Amos. "How could you come here?"

"I've made an appointment to work on the carbon project here." Amos said in stiff Chinese, "measure an hour, set up a good car, and lie down."

Foreign language is full of Chinese.

Yan shiting still understood.

Amos means that he has an appointment with chief engineer Cheng to talk about the project here. He made an appointment two and a half hours ago. There was a traffic jam. He was late.

Yan shiting's pent up anger in his chest suddenly disappeared. He gazed at Cheng yingxuan with heartache. "Since he has made an appointment with the company's customers to talk about the project, not to date, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I never said that I was dating Mu Yufeng. It was your fiancee Yang Qian who said that." Cheng yingxuan snorted coldly, "what does she say, do you believe it?"

Yan shiting didn't believe it. Seeing her walking with Mu Yufeng, she was very handsome and beautiful. In addition, she didn't explain. The vinegar jar had been knocked over for a long time, which made his EQ drop a lot.

Mu Yufeng's face is a little ugly. Why is Amos coming at this time?

Finally, the gap between Yan and Xuanxuan was lifted! It's depressing.

If I had known that he would have been stuck for several hours, he would not have been able to come all morning!

"How can such a bitch like Yang Qian be my fiancee?" Yan shiting coldly satirized a sentence, lacquer Sharp's eye light fixed ground to stare at her, "my heart, you don't understand?"

Cheng yingxuan almost dare not look at his eyes, too sharp, hiding too strong feelings.

She could not understand, even if she did, she could only go farther and farther away from him.

"Excuse me, miss..." Amos apologized, "I'm so sorry for being late..."

Cheng yingxuan knew that he was apologizing and said, "it doesn't matter."

Listening to Amos's turtle feet in Chinese, Yan shiting said in fluent English, "it's almost noon. Chief engineer Cheng has been waiting for you for so long. She's not feeling well. Let's go first. I will send vice president Ren Bozhong to talk to you. "

"Well, Miss Cheng, go and have a rest." Amos also replied in English, which made the language very smooth.

Yan shiting called Ren Bozhong and asked Amos to go to the rest room to wait, and took Cheng yingxuan to leave.

Cheng yingxuan doesn't want to go with him. He clasps her wrist like a pair of tongs, and has a strong attitude, so she can't refuse.

It was too ugly to be dragged by him. She just followed him.

Mu Yufeng looked at her cleverly following Yan shiting's back, and her heart flashed with pain, "Xuanxuan, am I so abandoned by you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!