Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 891

Seeing Cheng yingxuan's indifferent attitude, she didn't seem to be affected by this. She felt that the explanation was unnecessary. The dead woman didn't care, did she.

Yang Xi was very happy to hear that Mu Shao had fixed her relationship with Yan shiting as an unmarried couple. "You two little lovers are also good."

Although she was jealous that Cheng yingxuan could climb up to Mu Shao, she still felt safer to define Cheng yingxuan as Mu Yufeng in front of Yan shiting.

What's more, in that case, Cheng yingxuan has no family background. Mu Yufeng may not marry her if she likes her, because she is not worthy of it!

"That's enough." Yan shiting drank calmly.

Yang Xi's smile froze in her face.

He is not interested in seeing Mu Yufeng show her love alone. Even if Cheng yingxuan doesn't cooperate, he doesn't refute the relationship with mu.

This makes him irritable, with an impulse to kill Mu Yufeng and strangle Cheng yingxuan!

Angry to leave, not willing to give Mu Cheng a chance to get along alone, Yan shiting again angry, but also forced to endure, toward Yang Xi made a look, "start."

Yang Xi shivered and trembled. She got the order and was excited like chicken blood immediately.

Because this is a good opportunity to perform in front of Yan shiting!

This is a standard large golf course, the lawn is undulating along the terrain, and the leveling is very flat.

It's too difficult to get the ball into the hole on a slope.

Yang Xi looked around and walked to the flat lawn in front of her. The white ball was on the ground, holding the club in both hands, leaning slightly down and concentrating on it. The white ball was hit out, and it was only about 10 cm away from the entrance of the hole!

"Woo!" Yang Xi sighed regretfully.

A few middle-aged people who played in the distance saw two men and two women who were extremely outstanding here. Maybe someone recognized Yan shiting and Mu Yufeng and both stood watching the battle not far away.

Yang Xi wiped the cold sweat on her face and explained, "it was too tight just now. Come again."

The second shot, the white ball rolled Implicated in her nervous quickly jump out of the heart of the heart, in the last moment, even into the hole, "bang!"

Yang Xi was more excited than a V gesture.

Two shots into the hole, which is her usual best result.

Fortunately, in front of the two men, played well, did not lose the standard.

Several spectators nearby burst out a burst of applause, constantly praising her good ball skills,

Yang Xi nodded to them with a smile, "thank you, thank you."

Turning to Yan shiting and Mu Yufeng, they thought that they would be praised by the two gods, but they were all expressionless and had no intention of praising them.

She was very angry in her heart. She thought that the two men were afraid that Cheng yingxuan would not be happy. She deliberately disregarded her conscience and refused to praise her. She gritted her teeth and said, "Miss Cheng, it's your turn."

She opened her eyes to see how Cheng yingxuan made a fool of herself!

Although the distance of par 2 is close, she just hit the goal of par 2. She also spent a lot of effort to practice to this level.

A woman who can't play golf doesn't know where the ball will go if she swings it down.

Thinking of Cheng yingxuan's disgrace of hitting the ball in the sky is about to appear, her smile is brilliant.

It's just schadenfreude in the splendor.

Cheng yingxuan took her cue and didn't move, "I can't play."

"Did you give up?" Yang Xi is really afraid that she will not compare. , the fastest update of the webnovel!