Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 888

"It's just a coincidence," he said of his injuries. "I made an appointment with my client to play on the court today." Take out the mobile phone, click open a text message to her to see, "you see, we made an appointment three days ago."

Cheng yingxuan read the information, it is really three days ago made an appointment, some apologetic way, "I'm sorry."

Is her intuition wrong?

Mu Yufeng has always been so true to her heart?

"Don't apologize..." He immediately said, "you apologize, I will be heartbroken."

She glanced behind him. "Why didn't you see your client?"

Mu Yufeng took the initiative to sit on the opposite side of the coffee table where she was sitting. She took out a paper towel and wiped her sweat. "After playing, my client has left. How about you, how are you? "

I know why.

Although he did make an appointment with the client to play today, but

Cheng yingxuan's itinerary was leaked. He also knew that she had an appointment with Amos today.


He used some means to take Amos for a "drive" in the city. The more he went, he went to the places where traffic was easy to get stuck. He also sent several cars to make some accidents and occupy the road.

In two hours, amosgan couldn't have been.

Does this give him a chance to be alone with Xuanxuan?

As a man, it doesn't work to have sincere love and no brain.

One thing, Cheng yingxuan is not wrong.

A man like him will do anything to achieve his goal.

She doesn't doubt it, and the truth of the matter says, "customers get stuck in traffic jams and may be an hour or two late. I'm waiting."

This is the coffee shop inside the course. On one side is the whole transparent glass wall. You can see a large green golf course lawn outside.

Sunny, shining on the green grass, there is a bit of poetic flavor.

Seeing that she was also dressed in white casual clothes, Mu Yufeng was obviously ready to play ball, so she said, "Xuanxuan, your client will take so long to come. Why don't we play golf first?"

She picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

"Yes..." He stood up, went to her and pulled her up. "It's just compensation for your misunderstanding that I'm following you. Your client, I'll send my staff to wait outside the court, and you'll be right here before he arrives. What's the customer's license plate number? "

He said that. She told him the license plate number of Amos.

Mu Yufeng made a phone call to let the bodyguard waiting by his car pay attention to the arrival time of Amos.

Cheng yingxuan followed him to the outdoor golf course.

Blue sky, white clouds, sunny weather.

Mu Yufeng and Cheng yingxuan walk on the green green golf course.

Looking up, a piece of green, the faint fragrance of grass seems to be floating in the air, refreshing.

Fifty meters away, Yan shiting Bing Sen's eyes are staring at Mu Yufeng's and Cheng yingxuan's beautiful men and women, side by side. They look so harmonious, and their hearts are full of jealousy.

Seeing the source of Cheng shiting's leisure life, Yan Shixuan sees a kind of leisure And the woman next to him Yang Xi.

"Why? Brother Shi Ting, Cheng yingxuan and Mu Yufeng are dating here Yang Qian's voice is deliberately high, even if it is far away, it can be heard clearly.

You're dating. Cheng yingxuan's eyes flashed a quick ridicule that people couldn't catch. , the fastest update of the webnovel!