Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 883

Cheng yingxuan doesn't know if Mu Yufeng has a specially made long wire hook. If he does, even if he falls down a tall building, presses the button in the middle of the air, and the hook pops up and hooks onto the edge of the balcony, he will hang in the air. With his skill, it is very simple to go up the wall or fall down safely.

His behavior is dangerous for ordinary people, and for her, it scares children.

"Well, Xiaobao cares so much about me. I can only repay you better to Xuanxuan." The smile on Mu Yufeng's face was even more brilliant. He took a big step across the platform of the air conditioner. He stepped on the platform of the air conditioner, and his figure flashed. He supported the balcony with one hand and lifted his legs together in the middle of the air. He didn't see what was going on. He had entered the balcony of Cheng yingxuan's house.

"Wow! Uncle mu, you are so good! " Cheng Xiaobao clapped his hands with admiration on his face. "Your balcony is so far away from my home. You come here as light as a swallow. It's almost like flying. It's more powerful than the killer on TV."

Cheng yingxuan is a killer.

It's true that my son sees people.

Mu Yufeng knew that Cheng yingxuan had not told Xiaobao that he and she had been killers before. He reached out and touched Xiaobao's head. "My uncle was specially trained before. It's very dangerous to turn over the balcony like that just now. Even I may fall down at any time." however, he fell down and was prepared. He would not die. Others would die, "he said If you go, you'll die. It's dangerous. Please don't imitate it. "

"I see." Xiaobao nodded a little head, "Uncle mu, I'll tell you, my father has such a good skill. He said he was trained as a special forces Officer... " When he mentioned his father in his eyes, a star appeared to worship him, "Uncle mu, have you also received special forces training?"

"No His tone is a bit lonely, his past can not see people, unlike Yan shiting is worshipped.

He now has some understanding of why Cheng yingxuan hated that dark past so much. Even when he saw him survive in the dark, he would think of his miserable career as a killer.

Because she's different from him.

He was alone, and she had a lovely and intelligent son.

As a mother, standing in her position, she naturally hopes to maintain a bright image in children's eyes forever.

Even now, he can't tell Xiaobao Said he was a killer.

"What training have you received Cheng Xiaobao is curious.

Mu Yu Feng spread a white lie, "there is nothing in the world that money can't do, except that you can't buy your mother's love."

Xiaobao understood what he meant. "Are you paying for a first-class special forces expert to teach you? Retired ones? "


"Then I will ask someone to teach me..."

"No need." "You just need to learn boxing and Sanda well. If you are interested, you can learn shooting."

"I'm already learning that." Cheng Xiaobao tooted his mouth, "but I don't think you are so powerful as uncle."

"That's because you're not good enough." Mu Yufeng can't tell him that some of his skills are cruelly trained with his head at any time.

"Then I will try my best." Cheng Xiaobao's bright eyes turned around in the face of Mu Yufeng and his mother, and said mischievously, "you two adults talk, I'll go to bed first." , the fastest update of the webnovel!