Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 879

The Yang family will never ignore Yang Qian's "grievances" in the company.

Although it was Yang Xi who asked for it, Cheng yingxuan must be responsible for the account.

It is very likely that the Yang family will find someone to help her.

"Do you mean that the Yang family will do the same?" Zhang Jing's face was full of worry.

It is estimated that it will. Cheng yingxuan has no intention to say more about what has not happened, "I hope not."

"Cheng Gong, if the Yang family get involved, you should be careful." Zhang Jing's concern seems to have some sincerity.

Cheng yingxuan sometimes can't understand. Is Zhang Jing really friendly to her, or is she pretending to be too good?

"I will." Cheng yingxuan nods.

started with what Yang Qianjin thunder group did, she secretly let her eyes be on the Yang family. If wind sways grass, she would know beforehand.

I'm not afraid that Yang Jiaming will deal with her, but I'm afraid that the Yang family will make her personally threatened. She knows her own and her enemy, not to mention winning a hundred battles. At least she can plan without rain.


The Yang family called to ask for sick leave on behalf of Yang Xi. Of course, they asked for the leave from vice president Ren Bozhong, not from the immediate supervisor Cheng yingxuan.

Vice president Ren is always the top management of the company, so it's OK to ask him for leave.

Therefore, without Yang Qian's hostility, there are two short days of "quiet" days.

As a matter of fact, Cheng yingxuan just took office as the chief engineer for a short time. She learned about the construction sites under construction and planning under the thunderbolt group, especially the key large construction sites. It was time-consuming and labor-consuming, and she was almost too busy.

Mu Yufeng went to the company and looked for her several times, and they were all empty.

These days, Yan shiting hardly meets her. I wonder if she is still angry that she refuses his proposal in the office, or is she really too busy to see anyone?

In short, sometimes she went back to the headquarters from the construction site, even if she worked on the same floor, she never met him.

Even, he had not gone back to her home jinghongyuan for several nights.

She was never lost because he was suddenly absent.

It's her residence. He comes and goes when he wants to, and disappears without a fart. What's that?

In the quiet night, Cheng yingxuan couldn't sleep. She passed the door of the guest room and saw the closed door.

A few days ago, Yan shiting had been sleeping in the guest room, but now there is no one.

Go to the balcony, let the night wind slowly blowing through the body, a Qinliang.

From the 15th floor overlooking the city of Chenxia night, bustling and mixed with loneliness.

It's said that the Yang family has been angry with Yan Jiatong. He is very dissatisfied with Yan shiting's behavior about Yang Qian.

The elders of Yan Family criticized Yan shiting severely.


There is a possibility that

Yan shiting finally figured it out. He didn't want the future of Yan family to be blocked and chose to give up love?


The mobile phone short message ring, is a MMS picture, a strange number sent.

In the picture, Yang Xi is in the ward in a sick gown, and Yan shiting stands beside her. He is so close to her that they seem to be close friends.

Cheng yingxuan's heart sank.

"Yang Xi fainted and was hospitalized." Yan shiting must have guessed that she was pretending. He even went to the hospital to see her?

A minute later, the phone rings. It's the number that sent the MMS.

Cheng yingxuan hesitated for a few seconds, but still picked it up.


The other side was silent.

Cheng yingxuan said impatiently, "Yang Xi, if you don't speak, I'll hang up."

"You're not stupid. You guessed it was me." Yang Xi at that end snorted coldly, and her voice was full of pride, "did you see the picture?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!