Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 876

Yan shiting didn't know that the details of the office furnishings in the contract were written in this way. After all, he was too busy. Unless the contract was particularly important, he would not read it in person, and the lawyer team would check on it.

He did say that Cheng yingxuan could be given reasonable demands.

Even if it was unreasonable, he would agree.

There is such a detail, no wonder Cheng yingxuan is not afraid.

As a matter of fact, he always believed that letting Yang Xi sit behind a quiet desk would not hurt others' skin, but would be stupid enough to be handled by others. Cheng yingxuan would not do it and would not be so mindless.

Now it turns out he was right.

His cold and sharp eyes swept around Yang Xi and Ren Bozhong's vice president's faces. "Now, do you still want to complain about Cheng yingxuan?"

"No, No. It's my fault, it's my fault. " Ren Bozhong, after returning to Yan, immediately apologized to Cheng yingxuan, "I didn't understand the situation and wronged chief engineer Cheng." Bow, "chief engineer Cheng, you have a lot of people. Don't take me for granted."

He knew that it was better to know what was wrong than to change it.

Husband, flexible, wrong apology is nothing.

As for Ren Bozhong's sincere attitude of admitting his mistake, Cheng yingxuan would be very small if she held on to it. She said magnanimously, "it doesn't matter."

Yang Qian saw that vice president Ren bowed her head. She wronged others, and was also crowned with the hat of vengeance. She should also apologize, but she couldn't pull that face down.

She and Cheng yingxuan are not only colleagues, they can not be extinguished without rising.

"Miss Yang?" Ren Bozhong saw her unintelligible attitude and quickly pulled her clothes.

Cheng yingxuan was sitting at the back of her desk in a big way, "Yang Gong, I'm waiting for you to bow down and apologize."

"You..." Yang Xi really wanted to stamp her feet off. Yan shiting is still sitting on the sofa in the office. If he doesn't leave, who dares to leave first?

Steal a glance to Yan shiting, originally hoped that he can open a golden mouth, let her not apologize, this matter forget.

His cold face has no half silk expression, which makes people completely confused with joy and anger.

To be sure, she didn't mean to help her at all.

"Miss Yang Xi, how could you have studied in a famous foreign university? If you were aggressive, would you not make amends?" Zheng Wei is not happy, "he also said that Cheng Gong is so small. I'm afraid it's you? You are so slandering chief engineer Cheng, there is no sound, your reputation is ruined

Yang Qian's face was white and blue. She was so big that she had never been humble to anyone, let alone bow her head to make amends.

Yan shiting couldn't count on it. He tried to say a good word to Cheng yingxuan, "chief engineer Cheng, it's all a misunderstanding. As you said, I didn't understand the situation. Let it go?"

"I'm a real public-private person." Cheng yingxuan didn't mean to be affectionate. "If you are wrong, you should apologize to me."

"You must be very unreasonable

"If it wasn't for this contract, I would have been falsely accused of the position of chief engineer by you today, and your false reputation of being neither public nor private, nor narrow-minded, has been lied on by you. You're not going to let me go and kill people. Such a big thing, you don't understand the situation, even if you don't know? " Cheng yingxuan cold raised a corner of the mouth, "you can not apologize, I sue you for libel and rumor, let more people comment."

"No, no, No.." Yang Qian quickly waved her hand. If she really sued for this, even if Cheng yingxuan lost the lawsuit,

in this case, she would not be able to sue , the fastest update of the webnovel!