Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 871

"Well, you are cruel." Yang Xi gritted her teeth. "Then you put my desk behind a little assistant Zhang Jing. My position is higher than her. It's unreasonable!"

"What's unreasonable?" Cheng yingxuan micro squint, "if not satisfied, you can complain to the top."

Yan shiting and Zheng Wei, the driver and bodyguard, passed the gate of the chief engineer's office. They were going to the president's office next door.

Yang Xi saw her and immediately cried, "brother Shi Ting..." Thinking of his previous reprimand, he changed his words, "Mr. Yan, I have a grievance to ask you to comment on it!"

Yan shiting stopped. His time treasure was extremely precious. He was too lazy to care about Yang Xi.

Lacquer Shen's eyes fell on Cheng yingxuan's face and turned around. She came in with interest, "Oh, what injustice?"

Zheng Wei also echoed, "no? You're a good young lady, but some people dare to be angry with you? "

Yang Xi didn't expect that Yan shiting was willing to make a start for herself. Her eyes flashed with pride, but on her face, she looked very aggrieved. "Mr. Yan, you are critical. Chief engineer Cheng put my desk behind Zhang Jing. I'm an engineer anyway. Zhang Jing is just an assistant. Thunder group has always been strict discipline, the desk is also arranged according to the level and area, I should sit in front of Zhang Jing

Yan shiting listened and nodded slightly, "it sounds reasonable."

After being recognized, Yang Qian was even more aggrieved. "Chief engineer Cheng did this because of the present relationship between the Yan Family and the Yang family. He was afraid of threatening her, and had personal resentment against me."

If Cheng yingxuan can really think that, I'm afraid Yang Xi will threaten her. If she thought so, Yan shiting would not be angry, but would be happy.

That means she cares about him.

His deep and deep eyes fell on Cheng yingxuan's face. This woman was as deep as he was and could not see any expression.

Deputy general manager Ren Bozhong went to Yan shiting to report his work. Hearing this, he also came in and said, "President Yan and Yang Xi are right. Our company's positions are arranged according to their positions. It's unreasonable for chief engineer Cheng to do so."

I can't help it if I don't want to wade in muddy water. Last night, I received a call from Yan Song, saying that Yang Xi blamed him for not caring enough and approved him in front of Yan Song.

Yan Song gave a death order to help Yang Xi in the company.

"That's it." Yang Xi's face was full of indignation. "According to the way chief engineer Cheng's willful and reckless arrangement of seats, can a sweeping aunt arrange tables and sit in front of vice president Ren? Come out, thunder group's face is gone! I seriously think that chief engineer Cheng's behavior is neither public nor private, and he deliberately suppresses new subordinates. With this selfishness, how can he be qualified to lead the employees in the company and to be the chief engineer? "

"Yang Xi is right." Ren Bozhong also agreed, "chief engineer Cheng's practice is obviously inappropriate. Of course, women can't help acting willfully sometimes. "

Zheng Wei's face also showed impatience, "Cheng Gong, you know I've always been on your side. But you can't treat such a small matter fairly. You just don't want to see Yang Xi, and don't behave so obviously. Just bear with her. Take a look at you. You can't please yourself. You are doubted whether you are qualified to be a leader! "

Cheng yingxuan listened and raised her delicate eyebrows.

Zhang Jing said, "Cheng Gong, you have a word. I don't think you're doing it properly. No, it's just a small seat problem. You let me sit behind Yang Xi. Now it's better. I can't fix her. Instead, I'll plant her a hat that doesn't divide the public and the private. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!