Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 867

Anyway, Xuanxuan was not willing to pay attention to him.


In the morning of the next day, Yang Xi, dressed up with a famous brand and a handbag, entered the chief engineer's office.

Cheng yingxuan may not be able to afford her clothes.

Cheng yingxuan's annual salary of more than 16 million yuan is totally ignored. No matter what, as long as it is the money given by Yan shiting, even the salary, she also thinks it is Cheng yingmeng's maintenance fee.

She just doesn't think Cheng yingxuan has so much ability and high salary!

Cheng yingxuan can't afford it with her own money.

He swept around the door and said, "why didn't you see Cheng yingxuan?"

Zhang Jing's desk and Yang Qian's one after another, lazy to pay attention to her.

Yang Xi didn't get an answer. She was not happy. Seeing Zhang Jing's position in front of her, she was not satisfied. "I'm an engineer. You're just a little assistant. Why should I be in front of me?"

"Cheng Gong said that you still have no work to do. Although I'm just an assistant, I need to help a lot. Stay close to her desk and take the documents more conveniently."

"Cheng yingxuan, this is revenge! I want to complain to her! " Yang Xi was very angry, "there is no assistant desk in front of the engineer, but I am a talent back from studying in France!"

"If you want to complain, please do it." Zhang Jing sat in her original position. Anyway, the sky is falling, and Cheng union is holding it up.

Cheng Xuan thought that she had a good attitude? I tell you, she won't be proud for long! And you, with my ability, I will be promoted soon... "

"You'll fire me then, won't you?" Zhang Jing didn't care, "as long as Cheng Gong is willing to use me, I'm waiting for you."

Anyway, her mission is not to work in thunder group.

It's about

If Cheng yingxuan really doesn't do it here, she doesn't need to stay.

Yang Xi originally wanted to go to Yan shiting to complain. Because of his personality, he always had a clear distinction between public and private, and didn't like the rules of the company being broken.

I didn't expect that Yan shiting was not in the president's office next door.

She went back to the chief engineer's office and said, "Zhang Jing, where is Cheng yingxuan? Why is Yan not here? "

"How do I know?" Zhang Jing sneered, "even if I know, I won't tell you."

"You Yang Xi really hated her. She glared at her, so she had to go to Ren Bozhong, vice president.

Ren Bozhong listened and gave advice, "this is the case. Although I am the vice president, the power of chief engineer Cheng is not lower than me. She arranged the table like that. I'll change it directly. There may be conflicts... "

"It's just that if you change the position of the office desks and chairs, you just say that you don't want to offend Cheng yingxuan." Yang Xi knew what he meant.

Ren Bozhong also told her, "Miss Yang, although you may be the future Mrs. Yan Shao, but Don't forget that Cheng yingxuan's son is the flesh and blood of President Yan. I can't say that he offended the young master for the sake of your future wife Yan Shao? " Besides, Yang Xi may not marry Yan shiting.

Although President Yan said yesterday that he was joking about marrying Cheng yingxuan, according to his intuition, Yan was not the one who made such a joke. He must be serious.

"OK, OK. I'll tell brother shiting myself." Yang Xi was also annoyed, "Ren vice president, why are Cheng yingxuan and Shi Ting elder brother absent at the same time? Good working hours, Cheng yingxuan as the chief engineer, actually lead the miner? Is there a leader like that? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!