Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 856

I really hate that other women are more beautiful than themselves, especially this woman is Cheng fox spirit. "Don't think I don't know. On the eighty eighth floor, there is only the president's office of brother Shi Ting. The chief engineer's office is located here. On the same floor, you must have asked for it. Do you want to flatter and seduce brother shiting at any time?"

Cheng yingxuan is too lazy to talk to this cheap woman.

Yan shiting doesn't want to set up her office here.

"Brother Shi Ting is just in case you are too ambitious, he deliberately arranges me to come to work and stare at you." Yang Xi opens her eyes and tells lies.

"Oh?" Cheng yingxuan picked up a delicate eyebrow, "you really open your mouth and lie. Did Yan shiting arrange you to come? Didn't you come here with a bunch of relationships in order to survive

She doesn't need to investigate. She knows that Yang Xi will come to work in thunder group. It's because the elder Yan Family entrusted Ren Bozhong, vice president of thunder group, to work.

Just one hour after Ren Bozhong came out of Yan shiting's office, Yang Xi came to work.

But this woman, just now in the president's office, said that only one hour after receiving the notice, she "missed" Yan shiting and ran over.

According to Yan shiting's character, he will not take the initiative to provoke a woman surnamed Yang.

However, passive, always can not avoid.

Yang Xi was exposed by her lie, her face suddenly red and white, "in a word, brother Shi Ting personally agreed to me to come to work!"

No denying, that means Cheng yingxuan guessed right, "so what?"

If she didn't guess wrong, Yan shiting agreed with Yang Xi, but only to make her jealous.

This cup of vinegar She can't drink.

Even if she was really jealous, she couldn't show it. She was afraid that she would teach Yan shiting to be disappointed.

"It shows that he recognizes me, the future lady Yan Shao!" Yang Xi's eyes flashed with pride.

"Approve of you?" Cheng yingxuan laughed, "what position are you in? General engineer, you haven't been assigned a job yet, have you? Your monthly salary is only tens of thousands, and my annual salary is more than 16 million plus the year-end bonus. "

Although Yang Qian had already inquired about her salary, she was still jealous. "I took the normal salary. You are shameless to do small three earn, even if the chief engineer, how to open to such a high salary! Yan shiting is always generous in taking care of women! "

Cheng yingxuan slightly squinted, "who are you talking about

"You." Yang Xi looked as if she had taken it for granted.

"Ha ha!" Cheng yingxuan smiles and asks Zhang Jing, "what is Xiao San?"

"When two people are in love, a third party comes in. Or if two couples are interfered by a third party, the "third child" is the third Zhang Jing explained with reason.

"My relationship with Yan shiting is not one day or two days. It goes back six years." Cheng yingxuan asked Yang Qian, "it's only recently that you have declared yourself as Mrs. Yan Shao everywhere. Everything comes first, then comes first. If you intervene between me and Yan shiting, it's you who call yourself

"You..." Yang Xi was not convinced, and her beautiful makeup was almost angry. "Yan shiting and I knew each other since childhood. Yan and Yang have always been friends! I'm a member of the Yan family Reserved... "

Zhang Jing almost laughed, "Miss Yang, you don't want to say that you are the Yan Family's wife Yan Shao who was reserved since childhood?"

"What's impossible..." She was just about to be right when something suddenly occurred to her and she closed her mouth pale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!