Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 848

"Mom, you're back!" Cheng Xiaobao jumped from his father's arms and ran to her.

Yan shiting estimates the time when Cheng yingxuan eats and comes back from the outside, knowing that she has not dated Mu Yufeng.

Cheng yingxuan put her handbag on the shoe cabinet and squatted down to pick up her son. "Do you want to miss me?"

"Yes." "Mom, what did you have for dinner? Eating alone? "

The latter question is for my father.

"I had a simple meal outside with my assistant Zhang Jing." She replied.

Yan shiting was satisfied. Understanding is one thing. He couldn't bear to know that she was dating another man.

"Are you full?" The little guy is full of concern.

"Well." Cheng yingxuan goes into the bedroom, takes a bath, changes her pajamas

Yan shiting stayed in the guest room in the evening, Xiaobao in the second bedroom, and she slept in the master bedroom, each with a room.

In addition to interacting with Cheng Xiaobao, she didn't look at Yan shiting with a positive eye.

Go to work the next day as usual.

Yan shiting sat in the office on the 88th floor of thunder group headquarters. After listening to the report of deputy general manager Ren Bozhong, Yan shiting raised a thick black eyebrow, "that is to say, my father asked for you and gave you 100000 checks. Is it to arrange for Yang Xi to enter the company?"

"Yes, your father asked me to arrange a place for Miss Yang that is not inferior to Cheng yingxuan. But Miss Cheng is already the chief engineer, and Miss Yang is also a major in architecture. Although her resume is worthy of being a major, there is no position in the company that can surpass the chief engineer in the process. "

Yan shiting originally wanted to let Yang Xi go as far as she could. From the open door of the office, she saw that Mu Yufeng entered Cheng yingxuan's office next door with a big bunch of roses. She was not angry at all.

Can Cheng yingxuan recruit peach blossom?

He also has many rare women!

"Ordinary construction engineers just need one, let Yang Xi come to work."

"Yes, yes." Ren Bozhong handed a check to Yan shiting's desk. "Mr. Yan, this is from your father. He originally wanted me to employ people directly as vice president. How can I recruit Miss Yang behind your back? I will definitely report to you first and act according to your instructions. "

"Take the check. Go back to Li Ze to get the reward. If there is any news from the Yan family, please report to me. " Yan shiting ordered without expression.

"Yes, Mr. Xie Yan." Ren Bozhong quickly put the check away, saw the boss waved his hand, knowingly back.


Cheng yingxuan was busy yesterday. Because Yan shiting assigned her overtime tasks to others last night, she was very free today.

See Mu Yufeng and bring a bunch of fresh roses into her office, and even the vase are brought.

Zhang Jing, an assistant in the same office, exclaimed, "Wow, what a big bunch of roses. I have a visual inspection of 999."

Mu Yu Feng cast her a look of appreciation, "this beauty has a vision."

"Hello, my name is Zhang Jing. I'm Cheng Gong's assistant." Zhang Jingchao Mu Yu Feng stretched out his hand, originally wanted to shake hands with him, the other side ignored, a little embarrassed to take back his hand, "are your flowers for Cheng Gong?"

"Of course, I will not send flowers to other women except Xuanxuan." He put the roses he brought into his vase and put them on the coffee table on the sofa of her office. "Xuanxuan, the flowers are beautiful here and won't affect your office."

Cheng yingxuan has been staring at Mu Yufeng and Zhang Jing's interaction, trying to see what. , the fastest update of the webnovel!