Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 837

Yan shiting's liver was trembling with anger. He winked at Zheng Wei outside the door and said, "throw away the rose!" After thinking about it, he added, "throw away the vase along with it!"

He has a serious habit of cleanliness. If he has inserted flowers sent by other men, there is no need to keep the bottle.

Zheng Wei walked over, picked up the vase and went out with the bouquet.

"Yan shiting, what do you mean? Xuanxuan gave it to me

"This is my place. There's no room for dirt." Yan shiting's eyes were sharp and his voice was arrogant. "If you don't roll, let the security guard throw you out, it's ugly."

"You Mu Yu Feng was very angry, "Yan shiting, my Mu family and your Yan family can be regarded as world friends."

"Break up here."

"Well, in my capacity, you should be a little polite to me!" Mu Yufeng doesn't want to show weakness, but Cheng yingxuan works here. He has to run to thunder group in the future.

It's better not to make a bad scene with Yan shiting.

"Go away!" Yan shiting's lips spit out cold and thin words.

Cheng yingxuan knew that Yan shiting was not happy. Mu Yufeng could not eat good fruit if he stayed any longer. "People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Mu Shao, you'd better go first. "

Mu Yufeng was helpless, "Xuanxuan, remember the meal you owe me."

"Well, I'm really sorry today." She sat back at her desk, ready to continue her work.

"It's OK. I'll wait for you." Feather Maple walked out of the door, "don't be too tired."

She waved her hand to show that she knew.

After Mu Yufeng left, the office fell into a quiet, leaving only the fragrance of the rose still in the misty.

Yan shiting glanced at the time on the precious watch. It was 12:30 at noon, "go to dinner."

She spread out a document on the table, checking the rebound data of concrete pouring.

Unable to get a response, he squinted slightly and said, "Cheng yingxuan, it's time to eat."

She remained silent.

Yan shiting got up from the sofa and went to her desk. He pulled her out of the chair and said, "let's go to dinner."

She finally gave him a cool look and gave him two words, "overtime!"

"Work overtime after dinner."

She glanced at him coolly. "You don't want to eat."

His forehead floating three black lines, "I do not allow you to eat with Mu Yu Feng!"

"It's none of your business." She had a headache when she looked at the stack of papers on the desk.

Infuriated, Yan shiting strides out of the office.

Half an hour later, Zheng Wei put a plate of fried rice with eggs on her desk. There was a steak on the fried rice, which was steaming hot and fragrant. "Cheng Gong, it's bad for the stomach if you don't have lunch."

Cheng yingxuan happened to be hungry, "is this lunch for me?"

"Of course."

"Thank you." She picked up a spoon from the plate and scooped a mouthful of fried rice into her mouth. She knew it was Yan shiting's own fried rice with eggs.

Yan shiting's office has an inner room with a spacious bedroom and kitchen, as well as a gorgeous bathroom.

From the day she joined the job, she overheard Yan shiting's order to help Lize to prepare the simple ingredients for the kitchen.

With Yan shiting's character, it's impossible for an outsider to cook in the kitchen of his office. That is He wanted to cook for her at any time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!