Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 827

"I don't want to do it anyway, you can't force me!" She had a stiff face and did not give in.

He really missed Jian. He thought that in recent years, she was the only one who kept Xiaobao, and the announcement of his infertility medical record, and he made her suffer injustice, so he couldn't bear to force her, "you owe me a kiss."

"Another day." She got up and was pulled back to his arms. "Another day, I want interest. It's not enough for you to kill me

She knew that he was not joking. As soon as her legs were tight, she was really afraid that he would die another day

"I really regret to remind you that it would be nice to let you repay the interest with your body countless times in the end." He had a moment of regret, "but I can't wait."

Sitting with his back against the sofa, he pointed to his lips, and his face was expressionless, "still."

She was pulled by him and sat on his lap. She didn't want to sit so vaguely. She moved her hips and sat on the sofa beside him instead.

Although he was dissatisfied with her behavior, he did not correct it.

She leaned close to him

The closer he got, the clearer and magnified his eyebrows and eyes.

He has a cold and resolute face, clear-cut, cold and oppressive, full of domineering!

That pair of lacquer deep eyes like bottomless cold pool, she did not dare to look directly, but was deeply attracted.

A man of cold charm.

Two centimeters from his lips, his warm breath almost sprayed between her mouth and nose.

Never nervous of her, heart suddenly crazy jump, nerve also tensed up.

Too close, he can hear her heartbeat sound, lip slightly Yang, "Cheng yingxuan, you have feelings for me."

State the facts, not ask questions.

"Who has feelings for you?" She didn't admit it.

"Your heart is beating wildly, and your heart is so nervous that it jumps out of your heart." In the face of her stubborn face, how to see how to feel cute, his thin cool eyes emerge a wisp of doting.

She took the attitude that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, and solemnly stressed, "you heard me wrong!"

"Yes." He was suddenly happy. "Dare not kiss me?"

"Kiss, kiss!" She closed her eyes and went up to his sexy thin lipprint. She had planned to kiss him like a dragonfly and pull away

Before she retreated, he stretched out his arms, clasped her body in his arms with one hand, and pressed the back of her head with the other, and entangled her with her lips and tongue.

"Well..." She was talking about a kiss exchange. Why did he let Romona be his fiancee? It's not such a French kiss!

If he wants to struggle, his arm is as solid as iron, and he can't earn it.

He can't refuse to ask for the fragrance in her lips, and the red fruit rises from the eyes of lacquer sharp.

Choked by his kiss, she simply bit him.

He ate pain, a trace of blood filled his mouth, still did not release her, but forced her to swallow his blood!

"You She opened her eyes and accused him of being a madman.

But he didn't care. She had to close her eyes.

Leave it to him.

Hypnotize myself in my heart

It's not just a kiss, but she's willing.

However, she is more afraid of her own sinking wheel in his kiss, his tenderness.

She was afraid she would be inseparable from him.

It was like a century before he let go of her lips, and his male voice was hoarse with lust. "Cheng yingxuan, now I don't go against your will and force you to take your body because I respect you and love you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!