Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 823

Before he touched her hand, Cheng yingxuan avoided his touch without a trace, "less numbness."

For her evasive behavior, Yan shiting's eyes flashed a trace of satisfaction.

Mu Yu Feng also did not care, Du Qi mouth, "people only to you a person numb, happy?"

Cheng yingxuan gave him a big white eye, "don't make a fool of yourself, be mature!"

It's really meaningless to say this.

With Mu Yufeng's ingenuity, I'm afraid that he is more mature than anyone else. However, the other side is a little white rabbit who pretends to be innocent.

I really don't know which day in case he is cheated to death, I have to count money for him.

"OK." Mu Yufeng nodded obediently, blinking at her from time to time, "see how good I am, just listen to your words."

The bright pupil blinked like stars. It was really 10000 watts of current released. Ordinary women did not resist his charm.

Cheng yingxuan was immune to his Sao behavior for a long time.

Yan shiting is really not used to Mu Yu Feng a man so, "surname mu, you are really not a man."

"They are not men yet..." Mu Yu Feng nodded like scallion garlic, "people are still virgins!" Throwing a charming kiss at Cheng yingxuan, "Xuanxuan, my virginity, is waiting for your Kai Bao!"

He solemnly snorted to Yan shiting again, "I don't know how many women you've made. They're dirty. Xuanxuan doesn't care a few things!"

Yan shiting's face is as black as carbon. He has only one woman, process yingxuan, all right?

This kind of words is not as shameless and shameless as those surnamed mu. He would say it openly and coldly, "mu, as far as I know, you are also 27 years old, and you are still a virgin at the age of 27. Do you think you are glorious? In this age, it's dinosaurs. " Take a look at his lower body, full of disdain, "I'm afraid you Yang impotence."

Mu Yufeng is not angry. "My virginity is for Xuanxuan. For her, I am willing to be a dinosaur." He hugged Cheng yingxuan directly. "Xuanxuan, I tell you, I'm not Yang flaccid. Do you want to try it?"

Cheng yingxuan separated his arms and said, "well, the more you say, the more dirty you will be!"

Mu Yu Feng tactfully touched his nose, "I only pollute you." Can Liang's eyes glanced at Yan shiting, "you're not angry when I choose douxuanxuan so much?"

"Why, do you think I should be infuriated by you?" Yan shiting sneered, "your behavior shows that you and Cheng yingxuan are innocent, and that you think you have been intimate with her for so many years, you can't catch up with her. Instead of being angry, I felt very happy. She doesn't want you at all

This time, Mu Yufeng was red with anger. Originally, he wanted to show off and excite Yan shiting to be jealous. Unexpectedly, he thought so!

In front of the woman she loves, Muyu still keeps her proper demeanor, "Xuanxuan, I'll leave you my virginity to death!"

"All right She gave him a stare.

Feather Maple had no choice but to shut up and add, "if you don't object, you agree."

Cheng yingxuan is silent.

She does not love muyufeng, of course, it is impossible to "touch" him, even if he is a virgin.

"Mu, have you had enough fuss?" Yan shiting's cold pupil flashed and annoyed, "get out of here quickly!"

"Xuanxuan family, why do you say let me go and I will go?" Mu Yu Feng doesn't buy it, "I'm going to stay here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!