Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 807

"Awake?" He had a deep voice mixed with doting tenderness.

Seeing tenderness from his heavy eyes, such an overbearing and cruel man can be gentle

Ordinary women have long been drowned by the tenderness in his eyes.

Cheng yingxuan also is not without heart, just don't want to heart again, "how did you come again? I didn't say, "don't come to my house in the future."

He lacquer Mou rises a displeasure, forced to press down, "where you are, is my home."

“……” The factor of moving and moving again spread in her cold heart, but her watery eyes could not see any emotion, "I have nothing to do with you."

"You are the mother of my child." He spoke quietly.

"You are nothing but the father of my child!" Her tone was a little fierce.

"You are my wife." He couldn't help saying it.

"Who is your wife?" She retorted at once, "don't put on your hat, I won't marry you!"

The wolf house of the Yan family, before entering, suffered a lot of bird's anger. If he really went in, he could not live to be suffocated.

He wanted to say that he had already secretly used his power to pull the marriage certificate from her, but he did not want to tell her for the time being.

Anyway, she is his wife, whether in law or in his heart, can not change.

"So angry..." He raised his thick black eyebrows. "Did the elders of Yan family come here and make you angry?"

She sat up straight from the sofa with a cold smile at the corner of her mouth, "what can Yan family give me?" If you are not happy, you will be returned by Xiaobao.

At the thought of Cen Sufen apologizing in front of her, admitting that she was mean and inferior A pile of cheap words, that old witch in front of her kowtow, her mood is very happy.

"With me, you Yan family can't bully my mother." Cheng Xiaobao's voice broke in.

"So the people of the Yan family are really looking for trouble?" Yan shiting narrowed his eyes slightly. Think about how to warn the old ones.

Cheng yingxuan suddenly wanted to try Yan shiting's attitude. "Your mother bowed in front of me and apologized, saying she was mean, shameless and obscene."

I don't want to read it all.

After all, it's his mother. I'm afraid his face is too ugly.

Yan shiting's eyes suddenly filled with displeasure. Cheng yingxuan thought he was going to get angry with himself. However, he asked nervously, "what did she say to you?"

Instead of answering, she asked, "aren't you angry with your mother making such an apology?"

"She asked for it." Yan shiting suddenly embraced her with the quilt, "yingxuan, for me, you are the most important."

"Don't I matter?" Xiaobao's innocent and lovely face became stiff.

"You're just as important." Yan shiting was stunned to see his son so cute.

Cheng yingxuan knows her own weight in the world.

No matter what, the elder of Yan family is his perfect family.

In fact, now it seems that he can stand on his side, has been very good.

She didn't want to embarrass her elders of the Yan Family and report to Yan shiting.

Although Yan Family's two old men were ugly, the reason was that she was not worthy of the world ting.

And this is the truth.

Xiaobao also forced Cen Sufen to apologize.

This matter, too, has passed.

Cheng Xiaobao wanted to talk to his father about how Cen Sufen and old master Yan had gone too far , the fastest update of the webnovel!