Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 795

Then the whole calculation will be broken!

"Well, you shut up. I'll take care of it." Old master Yan gave Cen Sufen a serious look. After all, she was the biggest elder of Yan family. Sufen didn't dare to make a mistake.

Old master Yan continued, "Xiao Bao, you are too young to understand the current political situation. For the Yan family, your mother is now a stumbling block. Although you are a child and a man, once you promise to develop the Yan family well in the future, you will keep your word. Your mother's life will be exchanged with your promise. If you want the Yan family to let her go, you have to pay something. What I want is that you don't hate today's things, and I won't violate the Yin and Yang in the future

He was an old revolutionary, an old thinker, and did not like to foresee the future of the Yan family.

With Cheng Xiaobao as an excellent successor, why worry about the decline of Yan Family in the future?

Cheng Xiaobao thought about it a little, looked at her mother's beautiful face and nodded slightly, "I promise."

Cheng yingxuan never spoke again since her son spoke.

She really didn't expect that her son would kill the Yan Family for her, or even threatened that she could not do it now. When her wings were full in the future, she would get rid of the Yan Family for her.

It can be seen how important she is in Xiaobao's heart!

She refused the price offered by the Yan Family and knew that her life would be in danger if she did not give up custody.

But She can't give up.

Because, in the current situation, if she really does not want custody, then

It will be difficult for her to see Xiaobao in the future!

From Xiaobao in her stomach, to birth, until now, has never left her side.

Her son is her life.

Risking her life to refuse the price of the Yan family, she thought it was worth it.

As long as you can let such a good son stay around for a few days and years She was worth dying.

Of course, she will take good care of her own life, and she will accompany her son and watch him grow up.

"Well, now that you've agreed, keep your word." Mr. Yan's tone was dignified.

"Don't worry. As you said, I'm a man, Cheng Xiaobao." Xiaobao said without expression, "commitment is the first. If you can not move my mother, I will naturally keep my promise. If you "play a trick" behind your back, then don't blame me for not keeping my promise. At that time, it's the future. Maybe you can't see it. Obviously, it's predictable. Cheng Xiaobao wants revenge. Naturally, I have patience. And the fact that I am the successor of Yan family, you will never find a second one. "

"Good!" Old master Yan appreciated his great grandson more and more. In order to ease the cold atmosphere, he took the initiative to soften his tone. "You don't have to worry. It's just that Cheng yingxuan gave birth to such a smart child for the Yan family. He promised that the Yan family would not touch her again. Well, I'm your granddad. Come here to me

"No Just threatened to despise his mother's people, Cheng Xiaobao revenge, "I didn't take you as great grandfather."

Old master Yan was immediately dissatisfied, "you said just now that the Yan family will be well developed in the future."

"Yes." Xiaobao nodded his head. "That's the future. When I grow up, now I didn't say I wanted to be the son of the Yan family. My name is Cheng. You call me the son of wild seed. That's the little wild seed. I'm a little wild, so I won't go to the noble family of Yan. "

"Oh, my grandson, what are you talking about?" CEN Sufen quit. "Of course you are surnamed Yan. You have a noble lineage of Yan family. How can you call yourself a small wild species..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!