Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 783

So, one step, one step.

Yan shiting really wants to catch Cheng yingxuan and spank her ass!

What would happen if she said she didn't know what would happen in the future?

Did she not know what he meant? She should firmly say to her son that the three of us will always be together! She should firmly tell her son that he will be a good father, she will be a good mother, and the family of three will be fine!

Bearing the impulse to beat Cheng yingxuan's ass, Yan shiting sees their mother and son watching TV together. He continues to wash the dishes, and then cleans up the kitchen.

Before, he thought doing housework was a waste of time.

Since knowing that she occasionally likes the male side of the family, he began to learn to do housework, and has been able to do it very well.

The cooking is not first-class, at least after learning from the chef, he can cook several dishes very delicious.

It's all for her.

Perhaps it is because she takes too much weight in his heart that he feels that the waste of time housework, done for her, also makes sense.

Cheng yingxuan was a little sleepy and fell asleep after watching TV.

Yan shiting warmed up a glass of milk to his son who was still watching the financial news.

Xiaobao took the cup and took a sip of the cow.

Shi Ting frowned, "drink slowly, be careful of scalding, no one grabs with you."

"For the first time, I drank my father's love milk. Of course, you have to give face and take a big bite. " Cheng Xiaobao smiles at him.

Hearing that his son unconsciously called his father, Yan shiting's heart instantly gathered a strong touch, as well as astringent bitterness. He sat on the sofa, stretched his arms, picked up his son's small body, and let his son sit on his thigh. "After that, dad often drinks for you."

Maybe it's easy to say the first time.

Xiaobao finished drinking the milk, Yan shiting's deep cold voice was a bit gentle, "do you want to continue drinking?"

"No more." The little guy shook his head.

He put the empty cup on the coffee table.

Xiaobao raised his head and looked at his father's cold face. In his tender voice, he asked, "Dad, do you know what is a test tube baby?"

"Well." He nodded slightly.

Because Xiaobao is a test tube baby, he studies the data clearly, can't be clearer.

"Mother said, I am using your sperm and mother's eggs, do test tube baby, match the embryo and then surgery into the mother's stomach, live baby oh." Xiaobao is afraid that he doesn't know the details, and his voice explains.

"What else does your mother say?" He wants to know more about Cheng yingxuan.

Cheng Xiaobao took out his mobile phone and played a recording with his mother about how he came to listen to his father.

After pressing the play button of the recording, the conversation between Xiao Bao and Cheng yingxuan was clearly ringing in the living room.

After a long time, Yan shiting listened, his heart could not be calm for a long time, and his cold face was full of congealing.

Because Xiaobao is the child that he and Cheng yingxuan finished six months later.

He knew that the only way to use frozen embryos was to make test tubes.

Now I hear Cheng yingxuan tell me about the process of that year.

Although it is understatement to say that she took 13 eggs, tube transfer three times, exhausted the matching embryos, and finally conceived a baby Xiaobao.

He knows that a test tube once, for a woman, must experience great pain and suffering.

Besides, she made three test tubes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!