Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 772

"My mother has always been so careful." Cheng Xiaobao looks proud.

Cheng yingxuan frowned and looked at Yan shiting's wine flavored clothes. "Xiao Zheng, you go and get a set of Yan shiting's clean suit shirt, and then get a wet towel."


A few minutes later, Zheng Wei turned back with a suit of clothes and a disposable wet towel in his hand.

"You sit in the back seat with Yan shiting. He is drunk. Help him." Cheng yingxuan tells the story and drives the SUV to the outside of the villa.

As she passed the door of the villa, a large number of reporters rushed up and stopped her car. "Miss Cheng, I'm from XX newspaper. Please give me an interview with our newspaper office..."

"Miss Cheng, I'm from the provincial TV station. I'd like to interview you..."

Cheng yingxuan slightly lowered the window. "Well, I have a lot of media appointments. In a hospital in Chenxia City, I have important news to announce. You can drive with me."

"What's the big news?" A reporter immediately asked questions.

There are reporters who want to see her in the back seat, Zheng Wei quickly blocked not to see.

Cheng yingxuan rolled up the window, "Xiao Zheng, tell other bodyguards to let me out. Send a few cars and staff to "escort" me. "

"Yes." Zheng Weili immediately picked up the walkie talkie and ordered other bodyguards.

Soon, the reporters in the way were separated by bodyguards.

Cheng yingxuan's car left the villa area smoothly.

Several black cars escorted, a large number of media cars followed.

On the way to a hospital in the city, Cheng yingxuan, who drives a car, finds Zheng Wei hesitant with a disposable wet towel in her rearview mirror. She frowns and says, "why don't you wash your boss's face?"

Zheng Wei held up his veil and hesitated, "Cheng Gong, I'm a senior bodyguard who has not done the job of washing the face of the boss..."

"You can spread it out with a wet pad, throw it in his face, and rub it twice with your five claws." She kindly taught him the method.

Zheng Wei doubts, "is this too rude? If the boss wakes up and knows... "

Fixed eyes, boss open lacquer heavy eyes, a face black gas, like Yama, do not know when to wake up!

Cheng yingxuan also just glanced at the back seat. Now she doesn't know that Yan shiting is awake. "It's rude to wake him up."

"I dare to rub it on the boss's face. The boss will kill people..." Zheng Wei murmured.

"Kill you but not me." She is a light hearted person.

"Cheng Gong, you're not so righteous." Zheng Wei wanted to cry without tears.

"Take a turn ahead and you'll be the first hospital in the city. Can't you take Yan shiting to the hospital? That would have cost him his handsome face. If he doesn't wake up again, I'll slap him in the face and wake him up! " Cheng yingxuan said with great passion.

"Say it again?" The voice, which was so cold that it was almost frozen, seemed to burst out from between the teeth.

The whole car suddenly shrouded in a cold.

Don't think about it. This fierce voice can only be heard by Yan shiting.

Cheng yingxuan shuddered and said, "Mr. Yan, are you awake? It's a miracle that you can wake up now if you eat a sobering pill. As usual, you have to sleep for more than half a day, so you can only wake up... "

"What do you say?" Yan shiting clenched his fists, his knuckles "chuckled" and his face was gloomy. He looked violent and wanted to kill at any time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!