Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 755

After a pause, he went on to say, "Miss Cheng, she said that she had news that the elders of Yan family had already seen the paternity test of Jiasheng hospital in the United States and knew that Cheng Xiaobao was not your own son. The Yan Family certainly would not recognize Xiaobao again. Moreover, the elders of the Yan Family despised her and said that she was of humble origin. She was angry. She didn't care about money, she cared about dignity, so she wanted revenge. The best revenge for the Yan family is to let all the people in the world know that their elders have no children and that you can't have children... "

"Enough!" Yan shiting gave a sharp drink, which made him shiver.

At this time, the video phone call of Cheng yingxuan is hung up. Yan shiting stares at the number for a second. Even if this woman treats him so cruelly, he still I can't help but want to answer her call.

At the same time, Wei Ximing's doctor in charge called in.

Yan shiting asked Wei Ximing to make a paternity test on his hair and Xiaobao's hair.

This time, Xiao Bao's hair has not been changed by Cheng yingxuan. There is absolutely no mistake.

Eager to know the real identification results, Yan shiting pressed Cheng yingxuan's video phone call and took the call from Dr. Wei Ximing instead.

"Mr. Yan, I'm sorry to disturb you so late. I have something urgent. First, you asked me to study your condition. Your case was stolen in the U disk. Now it has been published on the Internet. I can't guard it well. I'll be damned if I neglect my duty. Second, the identification results of the hair you sent in person have come out. " Wei Ximing's shaking voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

Yan shiting didn't have time to find him to calculate the stolen account of U disk, and asked urgently, "how about the appraisal result?"

"Paternity test results You are still not related to Cheng Xiaobao by blood. "

"How could it be!" Yan shiting's violent drink was like a bolt from the blue.

The fact that he could not bear children was cruelly announced and hundreds of millions of people called on him to trample on him.

People all over the world are watching his jokes!

They are laughing at him. Yan shiting is very high and respected, but he has no fertility. His property calculated by hundreds of billions and trillions has no successor. It is meaningless!

Even more media news said that Cheng yingxuan and Cheng Anqi were pregnant with his child, which was the wind that Yan shiting deliberately released, which was to cover up the fact that they could not have children.

The only way to save him is that Xiao Bao is his own son.

If Xiaobao's paternity test is taken in front of the media, then his son is so old that the joke of infertility will not be broken.

Now, his only hope is gone.

Let earth people laugh him to death, let Cheng yingxuan that dead woman revenge!

Yan shiting is not reconciled, thinking of Cheng yingxuan's words

"Xiaobao's hair, you have got it yourself. What else can I do?"

What she said, the tone, clearly reminds him that Xiaobao is his own.

He snapped, "send me photos of the identification process and results!"

"Yes, Mr. Yan." Wei Ximing hung up.

No two minutes later, photos and results of the identification process were sent. It was clearly written in black and white, or unrelated.

Yan shiting looked at the photos one by one, and suddenly he began to laugh.

Heart, the pain is beyond the limit.

He is a barren man. The woman who has devoted all her life to love has betrayed him!

She hinted to him that Xiaobao was his child, which raised a great deal of hope for him , the fastest update of the webnovel!