Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 751

Then she went to a box to pick up the car key. She drove a van in front of the bar to an abandoned factory building in the suburbs

At three o'clock in the morning, the streets in the suburbs were quiet.

At first, she could occasionally meet with vehicles. The car turned two corners and drove into the lane, leaving Cheng yingxuan's van running on the road.

In front of us, an abandoned factory stands alone by the road.

Cheng yingxuan stops the van at the door of the factory building. The lights go out, and the weekly mess is dark.

Get out of the car and take out a mini flashlight to look at the appearance of the factory. It is the same as that sent from the mobile phone, indicating that there is no wrong place.

The door of the workshop was locked, and the lock head was rusty. She climbed up a tree on the edge and stood on the tree to observe the factory yard. The inside was still black paint, with weeds and piles of all kinds of discarded wood.

It seems that this is a timber factory which has been shut down for a long time.

Ten minutes later, a black car came and stopped at the door of the factory.

A man in an ordinary staff uniform carrying a handbag walked up to the van and looked through the window to see that there was no one inside.

He went around again and called out, "Miss Yu Miss Yu, are you there? "

Cheng yingxuan knows that this is the man Xie Yang arranges to send his U disk. He will call himself Miss Yu, which is what Xie Yang ordered.

In order not to let the person who sent things know her real identity, so as not to affect her life.

After all, her hacker hacked many important secrets. What she wants to crack now is some super important files.

If it's found out, she'll be in trouble.

Therefore, it is necessary for makeup to hide the true identity.

She jumped out of the tree. "I'm here."

"Miss Yu, why are you in the tree?" The man gave him his handbag. "This is the computer. There's a USB flash drive in the USB port. You just have to do what Mr. Xie told you to do."

She did not nonsense, picked up the computer into the van.

The back seat of the van is removed, and there are simple small tables and chairs where the seats are empty.

Cheng put her hand on the table and turned it on.

After she started her laptop, she tried to read the data in the USB flash disk, which was encrypted and could not be opened.

She tried to crack the code, No.

It seems that you have to write your own program to crack the encryption system.

Micro thinking, fiber fingers on the keyboard at full speed, a series of programs to write, adapt, replace, attack

Time goes by unconsciously, three hours later, jingle!

U disk special encryption protection program was broken.

She yawned and stretched out her arms wearily.

Just want to check what data is installed in the U disk, found that the computer prompt: all information has been sent and automatically deleted!

Cheng yingxuan raised a question in her heart, looked at the blank information page, checked it, and found that when she cracked the encrypted data, the Trojan virus sent the data by itself.

And this trojan horse was implanted a second before she cracked it.

Otherwise, if the Trojan horse was implanted early, she would find out at any time.

Damn, what's going on?


With the roar of the car engine, the black car suddenly sped away.

Smart as Cheng yingxuan, immediately react to come over, is Xie Yang sent to send u disk people, with planted trojan virus.

No wonder Xie Yang asked her to use the computer brought by his people. This computer is directly online, and the online program is very hidden , the fastest update of the webnovel!