Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 726

No matter what the background is, it's a picture of Cheng Xiaobao feeding Yan shiting for dinner.

He was staring at it all the time.

It shows that he cares about Cheng Xiaobao very much!

The more you care, the more disappointed you will be.

What she knows

It's a good show!

"Don't you say there's something important to tell me?" Yan shiting frowned at her thoughtful expression. She didn't know what kind of idea she was making.

"It's about Cheng Xiaobao's life experience..." Cheng angqi glanced at the two servants beside her eyes that had not been withdrawn. "It's about privacy. It's inconvenient to have servants in."

One of the servants is sister Chen.

She waited with her head drooping. Observing Cheng Anqi's bitter master complaining about pity, the poor and delicate expression shows clearly that he wants to lead the young master.

Well said, it is for the privacy of Cheng Xiaobao's life experience. He shows that he wants to climb the young master's bed, and says that it is inconvenient to have servants.

Cheng's family has long been in decline. Cheng's parents are in prison. What qualifications does she have to say that others are servants!

Even if it is, Yan's servants are 100 times higher than Cheng Anqi!

Mrs. Chen was dissatisfied and didn't show half of it.

Cheng thought of Angie and felt happy again.

Cheng angqi is not an oil-saving lamp. When she fights Cheng yingxuan to death, her daughter Yajing will be able to pick up a ready-made one.

Yan shiting waved his hand and the two servants, including sister-in-law Chen, stepped down knowingly.

"Go ahead." Yan shiting took a cigar from the high-end cigarette box on the tea table and lit it.

Although he knew that there was no valuable clue out of the woman's mouth.

He just wanted to hear about Xiao Bao's life experience.

Seeing that there was no one else, Cheng Anqi suddenly fell to her knees and said, "Mr. Yan Before I say it, I'd like to ask you to forgive my sister I mean Cheng yingxuan. Will you forgive her

"Why, what do you think she did to me Yan shiting's eyes were slightly narrowed.

"The media say Cheng Xiaobao is your son. I thought that the media was trying to catch the wind and shadow, but a few days ago, your mother publicly admitted that Xiaobao was the blood of Yan Family... " She seemed to have made a great determination, and then she said, "I didn't want to say it at first. It's really sister yingxuan. She is too much. You even gave Cheng Xiaobao a villa worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Cheng yingxuan is not satisfied, and she still carries you and Mu Yufeng on her back... "

He flicked the ash with his long finger, but his face was not happy and angry.

She thought he would be furious when he heard about Cheng yingxuan and Mu Yufeng. Even if he didn't, he would at least care.

Unexpectedly, he seemed to have no interest in knowing, and did not ask a question.

Cheng Hongyu had no choice but to go down to her home. It seems that Mu Yufeng often lives in her house. I remind yingxuan that she belongs to general manager Yan, but she doesn't care at all. I won't listen. "

I wanted to say that she took the key of Cheng yingxuan's house from the property with her sister Cheng yingxuan's identity, and said that after the key opened the door, she saw Cheng yingxuan and Mu Yufeng sleeping together

Yan shiting, such a high-ranking person, will never allow women to betray. She will definitely clean up Cheng yingxuan and let her never turn over again!

But he is not a good fool, in case he found out that there is no such thing

She was afraid that he would not let herself go!

Just dare not say to see Cheng yingxuan and Mu Yufeng sleeping together, just two of them said very ambiguous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!