Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 722

"I want to..." She said with a bitter smile, "but your mother is too proud. In the eyes of the world, I am not worthy of Yan shiting. And I don't want to climb up to the Yan family. Moreover, Yan shiting's father, Yan Song, is about to run for Zong Tong. The Yan family needs a political marriage. Yan shiting is the only person who can get married, and Yan Song is likely to be in that position. "

"Mom, I don't think uncle Yan will marry another woman..." Xiao Bao's tone was almost certain.

"Yes, I think so." She sighed. "I believe he will insist on refusing political marriage for me. But that delayed the Yan Family's future of climbing to the summit. I don't want to become a villain of the Yan Family for my own sake. Yan shiting is likely to marry him, and I can't be his lover. "

Cheng Xiaobao has a genius intelligence quotient. Although he is less than five years old, his intelligence has long been equivalent to that of a teenager.

He thought for a moment, and his voice said, "Mom, you're right. I won't let you in just because Cen Sufen thinks you are not worthy of his son and the gate of Yan family. If you want to enter, you have to be begged by the whole Yan family. Don't think your son is too young to understand. CEN Sufen's attitude towards you is also the attitude of other elders of Yan Family towards you. "

"Well." She knows that, too.

"My mother is the most noble angel in the world. If you go to her family, you can't deserve it!" Xiaobao frowned, "I don't care to be the blood of Yan Family either!"

"Good, backbone!" Cheng yingxuan made a sound kiss on her son's forehead.

"Mom, we won't let uncle Yan be embarrassed, and we won't delay the Yan family to reach the summit. You can't afford this crime, mom! Mom, although you have some money, you really want to fight with Uncle Yan for custody. You can't rob him. And I don't want you to lose. " Cheng Xiaobao made a decision, "to sum up, I will not let uncle Yan know that I am his own son. Just me and you two have a good time

"I, Cheng yingxuan, have done nothing good in my life." She sighed, "it's heaven's pity that I gave birth to such a good baby as you!"

"Good." Cheng Xiaobao raised his little hand and touched her head.

Cheng yingxuan face embarrassed, "little guy, you are my son, don't touch me like an adult."

"I am the only man in my family. I will take care of you all my life."

Cheng yingxuan is really moved to cry, a mess, "Oh."


In a suburban villa, Yan shiting is lagging behind in his study office. He goes to the living room on the first floor for coffee. He asks, "where is Cheng yingxuan's mother and son?"

Zhang Lixin, the housekeeper, replied, "back to the young master, they went to the restaurant on the top floor of" jihot "for afternoon tea."

Yan shiting took a sip of coffee. His voice was cold and did not have any ups and downs. "Let the bodyguards follow you not far away and protect them well."

"Yes." Zhang Lixin nodded, "the six bodyguards sent out are top-notch, nothing can happen."

"That's good." Yan shiting's cold painted eyes swept the spacious living room. Although the decoration was luxurious and the furniture was high-end, Cheng yingxuan's mother and son were not there, and she always felt that something was missing.

Just want to find them, Zhang Lixin through the intercom headset, respectfully reported, "young master, Cheng angqi is waiting outside the door of the villa, want to see you."

"She? Cheng Zhengguo's daughter? " Yan shiting raised his eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!