Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 711

CEN Sufen is angry. She is old enough for a child under five.

"Cheng yingxuan, did you teach your son not to recognize me? You want to marry into the Yan family first, and then let Xiaobao call me grandma, right? I tell you, there's no way. Be careful I don't even recognize Xiaobao! "

Cheng yingxuan was too lazy to pay attention to her. She took up chopsticks to eat with vegetables, and ate like a wolf.

Yan shiting also ignored Cen Sufen and sat on the chair next to Cheng yingxuan and served her a bowl of soup.

He frowned and said, "eat slowly, don't choke."

"You haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon. Eat it." She pushed the bowl in front of him.

He also began to eat, the speed is not fast, not slow, between the action is extraordinary, even the meal is very eye-catching.

Two people, you come and I go to the ground intimate interaction, completely seems to forget that there is a angry Ms. Cen.

CEN Sufen's lungs are going to explode!

Originally, she wanted to teach Cheng yingxuan a lesson. She glanced at her side of Shi Ting's face. She suddenly turned her attention and exclaimed, "Shi Ting Shi Ting, your face Your face is ready! Excellent! I saw on TV that Mu Yufeng cursed you for failing in cosmetic surgery at the airport yesterday. I don't think he will beat himself up! "

Her only son's destruction has always been her biggest heart knot.

Now that her son's face is back to normal, she is very happy.

Just now I have been thinking about dealing with Cheng yingxuan. Even though my son's left face is not wearing a mask, he is as handsome as his right face. Now I notice.

In fact, she didn't notice it for the first time because her son was so cold that she didn't dare to look directly at him.

Now Shi Ting is sitting opposite her. It's hard for her to find out.

Cheng Xiaobao discovered it at the first time when he came downstairs from Yan shiting. However, he was hungry for Xuanxuan for so long.

Xiaobao was not happy, so he pretended not to see it.

"Cheng Xiaobao, my son is your father's face recovered. Why didn't you see you happy for him?" CEN Sufen changed the subject. She didn't want to quarrel with her only grandson. It's really a pair of handsome young faces of Xiaobao. What's the rage.

"First of all, he's not my father, just your son." Cheng Xiaobao glanced at Yan shiting and said, "Uncle Yan, congratulations on becoming handsome."

Yan shiting was dissatisfied with Xiaobao and said it was not his son. He said, "thank you."

"What do you mean he's not your father..." CEN Sufen's face immediately threw up, "Shi Ting, listen to me. This child doesn't recognize me as a grandmother, even as a father..."

"Ms. Cen, besides, I can only ask you out." Yan shiting frowned and rubbed his forehead with some headache.

"Good, good." In the face of his son's cold face, CEN Sufen has no way.

A month or two ago, she couldn't call her mobile phone for a period of time, and her number was blacklisted by her son.

God knows how long she begged, pretended to be sick and dead, before her son would delete her number from the blacklist.

Cheng Xiaobao felt annoyed when he saw Cen Sufen. He frowned and glanced at Yan shiting, "Uncle Yan, are you sure that Ms. Cen's wordy woman is your mother?"

CEN Sufen scooped up a spoonful of soup, just about to drink, heard Xiaobao's words, a mouthful of soup choked out, sprayed on several plates of food in front of him, "cough, cough What the hell are you asking me? I'm shiting's mother, of course , the fastest update of the webnovel!