Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 702

"You She gritted her teeth. "OK, I will. I will pay you back 100 million tomorrow

He shook his head and said, "compound interest will be doubled every day. Today, it will be 100 million yuan, and tomorrow it will be 200 million yuan."

She sat up and glared at him incredulously. "You just said that you would still pay one hundred million yuan when I woke up. How can it become 200 million yuan if I wake up tomorrow? Are you crazy about money? "

He raised a thick black eyebrow. "Did I say you'll sleep till tomorrow?"

Raised his wrist and looked at the watch time on his hand, "at 3:00 p.m., I said it would be three hours after you wake up, not tomorrow."

"You are cruel." She was so angry that she vomited blood

He gazed at her angry appearance, not to mention how lovely.

The heart is full of pity. He can't really ask her to pay back the money. It's too late for him to give her money.

It's just teasing her, who told her that she always wanted him to leave and escape from him.

"Report your account number!" She picked up her mobile phone to prepare for online banking.

"Tomorrow, no business today." He doesn't give the account number.

"Are you trying to double that till tomorrow?" Don't say now pay 100 million, is to pay tens of millions, she feels expensive to vomit blood. I've known that you don't want to be a second master!

He pulled her back and forced her to lie down. "Honey, sleep!"

"How can I sleep like that?" Her hair bristled with anger.

"Can't sleep?" His good male voice is full of sex appeal, like magic.


"For money?"

She nodded honestly, "well."

"Don't want to pay back so much interest?" He went on.

"Well." She still nodded.

"Want less?" He is good at persuasion.

"Well." She nodded again.

"Don't want to double it?"


"You are allowed to return."


She just nodded her head, only to find out what she should have done. She gaped, "Yan shiting, you're negative to me!"

"What about you He exposed the nature of the wolf, the burning heat in his eyes, "you have just agreed."

"I was reflexively thinking you were talking about money..."

"It's about money." He did not allow her to refuse to press her under the body, "you promised to use your body to pay, the agreement reached, I do not accept other repayment methods."

She wanted to get up, and was pressed by him, unable to move. "Get up first!"

"I told you to sleep well, but you didn't sleep." He pressed her with his weight and held her beautiful face in one hand. "It's time for you to fulfill the agreement."

"I'd like to double the money now!" She suddenly determined, "don't wait for tomorrow, now double your 200 million!"

"I said, you don't accept any payment except your body." In fact, he wanted to give her two billion yuan, but now is not the time to talk about giving her money.

He wanted her.

Don't talk about giving her money now, so that she doesn't think he bought her with money.

Cheng yingxuan should have understood that with Yan shiting's status and wealth, he didn't ask her to pay back the money, he was cheating her body!

She really regretted that she had gone to baoerye, and after that, she took away the agreed maintenance fee.

It's like lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot.

"Give it back!" She bit her teeth as if she had made a fateful decision.

"Well?" He didn't seem to understand for a moment, and the final tone in his intonation was upturned, which was particularly perceptual.

In just a second, he realized that she was willing to pay the debt with her body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!