Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 699

Too far away, the bodyguard was staring at the mobile phone again and was fascinated. He didn't respond for a moment.

Until the bodyguard patted him on the shoulder and said boss was looking for him, he came into the hall with hindsight, "boss..."

Silence the phone.

Cold light from Yan shiting sharp pupil eyes burst out, "Mu Yu Feng's confession is very touching?"

"No It's not touching. " No matter how stupid the bodyguard is, he knows that the boss is not happy. In fact, he should not watch the live broadcast of Mu Shao's confession. It is rare to see it in a hundred years. The whole network and TV station broadcast it synchronously, which makes the whole people boiling.

He patrols the villa yard, thinking that the boss is in the living room anyway, and he won't know. Fortunately, he watched the live broadcast

"Open your eyes and tell lies. I'm absent from work." Yan shiting picked up the cigar on the table, lit the lighter, took a sip, "drag him down, beat him to death, and fired him."

The bodyguard immediately said, "boss, I'm wrong! You give me another chance, I can't lose this job, I dare not! "

This is not only a problem of laying off workers. He was fired from boss, and no one in the whole Chenxia dared to use him again, and even there was no place for him in the whole country.

"Go away!" Yan shiting's thin lips let out cold words, and his slender fingers twisted out half of his cigarette on the golden ashtray.

The bodyguard was pale and regretful.

It's like the servants who made mistakes in the ancient palace were dragged away.

In Chenxia, Yan shiting is the emperor!

No one dared to challenge his half dignity.

Mu Yufeng is also a strange scar.

It seems that Mojia, who has been oppressed by Yan family, is Juexin's fight with Yan Family!

The atmosphere in the living room is too oppressive. Cheng yingxuan stays here all the time. In fact, she wants Yan shiting to go away. After all, this is her home with Xiaobao.

Of course, even if the villa was transferred to Xiaobao's name, it was also sent by Yan shiting. She never liked to take over the magpie's nest.

Just, I don't want to live under the same roof with him. It's too dangerous.

If Yan shiting Sen's face is as cold as a glacier that has not melted for thousands of years, the glacier is about to crack. At this time, tell him to go away and annoy him

She was afraid that she could not bear the consequences of his fury.

His fury has always liked her to drown it out with her body!

She was really afraid of him.

After pondering for a moment in my heart, I decided not to take the risk and drive people away now.

So she turned around and went upstairs.

She used to live in this villa. She and Yan shiting had been sleeping in the master bedroom on the third floor until she reached the stairway on the second floor.

She had better go to sleep with her son on the second floor to make sure he didn't break into her room suddenly, which would cause trouble.

Just touching the door handle of Xiaobao's bedroom on the second floor, he was suddenly hugged by someone from the rear, rotated a few steps, and entered the next room.

Hard as iron, overbearing and forcing people's arms, who is not Yan shiting!

She wanted to struggle. "What are you doing?"

"What were you thinking about just now?" Yan shiting's voice was as cold as ice, with thick anger.

His eyes are really sharp, can see through the heart. Of course, she would not admit that she wanted to drive him away. When he was in a good mood, she should put forward this kind of thing calmly. Would the effect be better?

"It's none of your business." She opened her lips coldly.

He let her back against the wall, tyrannically locked her in the wall and his arm, raised his hand to hook up her lower palate, "Muyu Maple has not let you heart?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!