Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 692

When Mu Yufeng received her displeasure, he said, "Xuanxuan, I always have to express my love for you. I always have to stand up and say that you Cheng yingxuan is not from Yan Family!"

"So she is Cheng yingxuan!" After listening to Mu Yufeng's words, the reporters immediately turned to take a picture of Cheng yingxuan holding Xiaobao. "This must be Cheng's mother and son. It's good to take pictures with masks on I can't imagine that she will be adored openly by the majority of Mu family

"It's interesting this time. The Yan family says that Cheng Xiaobao is the blood of Yan family. Mu Da Shao has the courage to publicly challenge Yan shiting. Maybe Xiaobao is mu Dashao's son..."

Reporters, you say me a word, questions and shouting into a pile of noise.

Cheng yingxuan frowned, "muyufeng, what do you mean?"

"I used to listen to you so much that the whole world didn't know I love you." Mu Yufeng didn't know where to turn out a microphone. Standing in the driver's seat of Ferrari, he called out with the microphone, "Cheng yingxuan, I love you!"

"Wow There was an uproar at the scene, and many people who saw off the plane, waited for the plane, and were ready to board the plane all ran to see the excitement, and the audience burst into warm applause.

"Hello, everyone!" Mu Yufeng said hello to everyone with a smile and said, "many people may not know me. Here, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is mu Yufeng. Mu's group is young. I'm 1.89 meters tall. When I put on my shoes, I'm only 1.87 meters when I take off my shoes Hey, hey... "

Mu Yufeng looks like a sunny and handsome man, and with a funny tone, the audience is amused by him. Originally, he also pulled the camera of Cheng yingxuan and Yan shiting to Mu Yufeng.

"I'm honest, so I don't lie about my height of two centimeters." Mu Yufeng grinned with neat white teeth, which were even whiter than the teeth advertised by toothpaste stars. "You have to do it for me as my witness of Xuanxuan's love. Any questions? "

"No problem!" All of them were in one voice. The voice of the atmosphere was even hotter than the concert held by a superstar.

"Welcome to take photos and live broadcast with your mobile phone!" Mu Yufeng also sent two kisses to Cheng yingxuan, "my kiss only flies to my beloved. My heart wants Jin to enter her soul!"

There was also a fervent applause, and people kept shouting "good boy, good boy!"

The airport was jammed with traffic.

Yan shiting looked at the paralyzed traffic around him, took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone call.

A media reporter boldly asked Yan shiting, "Mr. Yan, what's your opinion about Mu Yufeng's eager confession to Cheng yingxuan?"

Yan shiting slightly narrowed the pupil light of Sen Han and swept Mu Yu Feng with a cold eye, "Tiao Liang clown!"

The voice was cold and penetrating into the bone, as if there was an invisible pressure spreading around, and no one dared to speak for a while.

The reporters were so scared that they didn't know how to answer.

"Who is the clown?" "Mu Yufeng patted her chest," I am willing to be passionate for love

There was applause again.

"Miss Cheng, Mr. Mu's confession moved people to tears. Look around, many little girls were moved to bubble their eyes. What's your feeling?"

"Is this kid Cheng Xiaobao? Can you accept Mu Yufeng as your stepfather

The news was too big and valuable. Some reporters risked their lives to ask questions that might displease Yan shiting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!