Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 689

"Uncle mu, don't open your eyes and tell lies. Uncle Yan is really cool." Cheng Xiaobao patted him on the shoulder in the arms of Mu Yu Feng, "natural momentum, that is jealousy can not come."

"All right. I also have my advantages, such as younger than him, more handsome Mu Yufeng stressed. You can't lose first.

"Hmmm..." Cheng declined to comment.

"What does that mean? Am I wrong? " Mu Yufeng is puzzled.

"Not necessarily." Cheng Xiaobao glanced at Yan shiting's mask, "Uncle Yan went to Jiasheng hospital in the United States for cosmetic surgery, you know."

"We've heard the news for a long time, and there are also 20 top experts in the industry for consultation." Mu Yu Feng glanced at Yan shiting's mask on his left cheek. "You still wear a mask after finishing your face. Are you disabled?"

Yan shiting disdainfully pulled the corner of his lip, and threw two words to him, "childish!"

These two words he asked on the plane, now transferred to Mu Yufeng, is really comfortable.

"You Mu Yufeng was angry, "how can I be said to be naive? You are naive, your whole family is naive! "

Cheng Mu Bao's words are not suitable for you

"Which word has been said three times?" When Mu Yufeng recalls immature!

"Cry, Xiaobao said that to me, that's good. As long as you are happy, you can do anything. This is my favorite for you." Mu Yufeng expressed deep feelings.

Cheng yingxuan stood ten steps away, looking at Mu Yufeng's harmless and harmonious relationship with children.

Only she knows that Mu Yufeng doesn't like children at all.

In the past, he had no mercy on the task of cutting grass and weeding roots in the organization.

Sometimes, the more harmless people look, the more dangerous they are.

Mu Yufeng suddenly came to pick up the plane. She wanted to bypass him. Her son ran to the other people's arms. She had to go to him and hold Xiaobao in her arms.

Cheng Xiaobao stayed in his mother's arms and thought of something. He asked Mu Yufeng, "Uncle mu, just now I asked if there was any change in Chenxia. You said the second one, and the first one?"

"The first is I think you want to lose weight. " Mu Yufeng winks at Xiao Bao, just like a big boy.

Exaggerated expression is to amuse Xiaobao Zhile, "Uncle mu, you are so cute."

He said dogleg, "no Xiaobao cute, I want to learn how to cute Xiaobao."

"Am I handsome? Don't use words to describe children on me... " Xiaobao is very dissatisfied.

"Well, Xiao Bao is the most handsome." Mu Yufeng follows her words, and her bright eyes fall on Cheng yingxuan's face.

When I saw the scars on her lips

He slightly narrowed his eyes, "yingxuan, what's wrong with your lips?"

"It's OK. I bit it when I was eating." She made up a random reason.

Although her lips were smeared with lipstick to cover up the scars, Mu Yufeng could see that there were teeth marks. It was not a bite at all, but

His eyes wandered around Yan shiting.

The bite on Cheng yingxuan's lips is obviously Yan shiting's.

A burst of anger and jealousy burst out from muyufeng's heart.

His heart is full of vinegar, but he doesn't show up on the surface, and he doesn't expose Cheng yingxuan, so as not to embarrass her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!