Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 687

"Why threaten my son?" Cheng yingxuan said indignantly, "even if you become a laughing stock, I will not kiss you!"

He straightened out his chest and stood firm and proud.

Yan shiting narrowed his eyes slightly, stood up and pressed her head to himself. At the same time, he bowed his head and bit down her lips.

"Hiss..." Her lips a pain, reflexively to push him away, but his body is not moving like a mountain, so strong that she can not push.

No way, she simply squatted down from his armpit around out, disgusted to wipe his mouth, "dead Yan shiting, why kiss me so hard!"

"You sent it yourself." There was a sneer at the corners of his lips.

Staring at her mouth wiping action, his eyes suddenly cold, dare to suspect his kiss dirty, cruel good, she owes him another account!

I'm afraid she can't stand it!

"You She stares round eyes, just now she came to be cheated, OK?

Cheng Xiaobao saw his mother suffer a loss.

I was trying to help my mother get ahead Looking at Yan shiting, I don't know why

Or do you want him to be your stepfather The little guy chose to open and close his eyes.

"Your purpose has been achieved. Open the hatch!" Cheng yingxuan has a bad voice.

The sound is still good.

After kissing her, he was able to quench his thirst. Yan shiting was not in a bad mood. He made a gesture. The staff on duty in the ground service room of the airport saw from the video display screen and immediately opened the cabin door.

Cheng yingxuan takes Xiaobao's hand and walks in the airport hall. She has just arrived at the place where the passengers meet and see off. In the crowd, she seems to find a tall, tall and handsome figure in the sunshine.

Stand out from the crowd, where are so outstanding, is not mu Yu Feng Mu handsome man.

"Xuanxuan, here!" Still away from dozens of meters away, Mu Yu Feng waved to her from afar.

Yan shiting frowned when he saw Mu Yufeng.

"Uncle Mu!" Cheng Xiaobao's small body ran towards him. Mu Yufeng crouched down and held Xiaobao up with his arms outstretched. He gave Xiao Bao a loud kiss on his face. "Little guy, I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you want to miss me? I miss you so much

Cheng Xiaobao has always liked muyufeng very much. He also made a "Bo" on his handsome face! Uncle mu, how did you pick up my mother and me

"I miss you, of course." Mu Yufeng's tone is happy and happy.

"Then how do you know we're on this plane?" The tender voice was full of curiosity.

"Your mother told me."

"Well." Xiaobao has no doubt, "it seems that my mother also wants you..."

Cheng yingxuan never told Mu Yufeng that she was on this flight.

With the power status of Mu family, it is too simple to know such a small matter.

She knows that Mu Yufeng doesn't tell Xiaobao the truth. She doesn't want such a small child to contact with any power or power, so she won't expose it.

Xiao Bao's words brightened Mu Yu Feng's eyes, "does your mother really miss me?"

Yan shiting's face was black, and his body was full of cold. Originally, there were other passengers walking around. Now, no one dares to approach him within 20 steps.

How could Cheng yingxuan think of mu? Children talk nonsense, see him go back not to spank him!

"Yes, mom really wants you to pick up the plane." Cheng Xiaobao smiles brightly, "otherwise how can tell you which flight."

Hearing Xiaobao's explanation, Yan shiting's face softened. The child's words were childlike. He didn't know what the adults thought of him, so he would not beat him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!