Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 678

"I'm sorry, my baby." She apologized, not because of this forced words, but because of concealing his son's life experience and depriving him of the right to enjoy paternal love.

Mother's heavy words immediately let Xiaobao heartache, "Mom, don't apologize, it's the son who is not good. Xuanxuan's consideration is for my good. Mom, I love you... "

"Good son!" She hugged Xiaobao into her arms, and her beautiful face was filled with heartache.

The adult's world is too complicated. She only hopes that it will not affect her son's healthy and happy heart.

Yan shiting listens to Cheng yingxuan's mother and son's conversation from the eavesdropping device. A thread of complexity flashed through senhan's pupil.


At San Francisco International Airport, Cheng yingxuan bought two tickets, passed the security check and took her son into the VIP lounge of the airport to wait.

"Your coffee, miss." A waiter brought her a cup of hot coffee and said to Xiao Bao with a smile, "this is your milk, little friend."

"Thank you."

The communication is in English.

There are not many people in the VIP lounge. There are many foreign guests from all over the world, including yellow, white and black

The most eye-catching is Cheng yingxuan's mother and son. They are so eye-catching and beautiful that they make people look at each other from time to time.

“HI! Can... You... Make... Friends? "A handsome foreign guy with blonde hair and blue eyes walked up to Cheng yingxuan and asked in English.

Cheng yingxuan's lips showed a faint smile, the same in English, "of course."

“。 (you can call me Ryan) "the handsome blonde stroking Xiaobao gives a friendly smile," what a lovely little friend, is that your brother? "

“。” It was Cheng Xiaobao who answered.

"You can speak English, little friend." "Don't touch my head. We're not familiar with it."

"Very soon. Your mother is so beautiful and young. I thought she was a college student. I didn't expect her children to be so old. " The more Ruian looked at Cheng yingxuan, the more surprised she was. "Where's your father, little guy?"


"Ah! That's just too bad Ryan was surprised and apologized. "I just didn't see him around you. I didn't expect that. I'm really sorry."

Ruian is very familiar with Xiaobao in English.

Basically, Ruian is talking, and Cheng yingxuan's mother and son seldom pay attention to him.

Several other single men in the VIP room were listening to them with long ears. They had known that such a beautiful woman was not like him. They also used to talk to each other. This time, the boy named Ryan took the lead.

After a while, Ruian sincerely said to Cheng yingxuan, "beautiful lady, can I pursue you?"

"Mr. Ryan is really passionate." Cheng yingxuan originally wanted to refuse, but thought that Yan shiting was eavesdropping, so she didn't reply positively.

"No, you don't agree?" Ryan's eyes were shining and he wanted to say something more. A waiter came up and said, "Sir, someone is looking for you in VIP box one."

"Looking for me? No way. My friend who saw me off has left the airport Ryan looks puzzled.

"Are you Mr. Ryan?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"That's you. Follow me, please A gesture of please.

Ryan followed the waiter into the VIP box No. 1 in the inner corridor. As soon as he entered, a black cloth bag was put under his cover, and then a series of fists and kicks followed , the fastest update of the webnovel!