Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 676

"What you give is what you mean." Cheng yingxuan pointed out.

"Dead woman, do you have to be so serious?" He squinted slightly.

"All right, all right," she said in a conciliatory manner. "I'll go now, no more serious with you."

Holding Xiaobao's hand, he walked around and walked out of the door of the ward.

Yan shiting didn't stop this time, staring at her back and clenching her fists together. She is so anxious to get rid of him, half silk nostalgia is not?

Cheng Xiaobao turned around three times. His handsome face was full of reluctance. He told him, "Uncle Yan, I'm leaving with my mother. In the future, you should have a good meal and a good sleep."

Yan shiting's cold and hard heart was immediately moved and surrounded, "OK. You also pay attention to your body and take good care of your mother. "

"Well." The little guy bit his lips and nodded, and followed his mother down the long corridor.

Two rows of bodyguards in black suits stood on both sides of the corridor, and Zheng Wei, the leader, ran after him, "Cheng Gong, what are you doing just like this? Should continue to stay with boss. I think how happy your family is... "

Cheng yingxuan glared at him, "you boss didn't say anything, what strength did you creak?"

Zheng Wei rushed to the ward and called, "boss, do you want to say something? Cheng Gong's mother and son are almost at the door of the elevator! "

Yan shiting in the ward did not respond.

Cheng yingxuan's mother and son entered the elevator, until the elevator door closed, he still did not chase out.

Zheng Wei really had the feeling that the emperor was not in a hurry and was anxious to die as a eunuch. He walked back to the ward with his head down. "Cheng Gong is gone, are you sure you don't want to keep her?"

Yan shiting's cold sharp eyes swept to him. He didn't dare to say more. He just felt boss heart, sea needle.

He thought boss cared more about Cheng Gong So it doesn't seem to be?

In the elevator, Cheng yingxuan bit her lower lip. She thought Yan shiting cared more about her. She thought he would stop her from leaving? Not yet.

It shows that her position in his heart is not so important.

This is the best. She has nothing to do with him, but is good to each other.

It's just The faint loss rising in my heart No matter how hard she pressed her, she couldn't get rid of it.

Out of the gate of Jiasheng hospital, mother and son stood on the side of the road where Xilai was going. Xiaobao looked back at the front door of the hospital and said with some grievances, "Xuanxuan, uncle Yan is too much. We have been taking care of him for so long, and he doesn't even come to see him off..."

"Men are more ruthless than women." That's all she said.

"Uncle Yan is very cruel to watch." Cheng Xiaobao doesn't speak well for him.

"You know, stay away from him in the future!" She told her many times, otherwise it would be bad if she was abducted by him. It'll make her sad.

"Oh." The little guy nodded and raised his head and asked, "Mom, where are we going now? Would you like to play in San Francisco

"No more." She shook her head. "I'm not in that mood. I just want to go back to our home and have a good sleep."

"Did Uncle Yan hurt you?" Xiao Bao's eyes are full of concern.

"No She denied it.

Knowing that his mother was worried, the little guy said with regret, "Xuanxuan, let you stay in the hospital to take care of Uncle Yan. I originally wanted uncle Yan to be my future father and let you cultivate more feelings with him. A few months ago, at our home in Chenxia, I dreamt that uncle Yan had become my father in heaven and came back , the fastest update of the webnovel!