Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 674

"Some financial analysis."

"This is San Francisco, the United States. Financial analysis is basically in English. Do you understand it?" Cheng yingxuan pushed Yan shiting's wheelchair to the edge of the hospital bed and helped him lie on the bed.

Xiaobao scratched a small head melon seeds, "basically understand, some professional terms do not understand, look up the dictionary."

Yan shiting was surprised, "Xiaobao's English is so good?"

"My mother sometimes asks for a tutor. It's mainly taught by my mother. " "Sometimes I have an English conversation with Xuanxuan at home," Xiaobao said

"Xiao Bao is such a genius." Yan shiting touched his little head. The more he saw it, the more he liked it. Unfortunately, not his own son.

Xiaobao's round eyes looked at the wheelchair, and his expression was full of concern, "Uncle Yan, how did you sit in the wheelchair just now? Is it the leg

"No He shook his head. "The abdominal injury is not all right. Walking may shock the wound. The fluctuation of wheelchair is not so big."

"Oh." Xiaobao put down his heart a little, "it's better not to hurt my leg."

Yan shiting dumbfounded, "I can't be so vulnerable." In fact, with his skill, there are few rivals in the world. The attack on the operating table was an exception.

"Uncle Yan, when will you be all right? I won't go to the library or play tomorrow. I'll go for a walk with you

"Good." When he nodded, his eyes fell on Cheng Xiaobao's face with tenderness that he did not know.

The paternity test shows that Xiaobao is not his son. He is so desperate that he falls into hell. His heart aches.

Whenever he saw Xiao Bao, he couldn't tell his love.

He never liked children, except Xiao Bao.

Cheng yingxuan looked at his gentle eyes at Xiaobao, but she couldn't say what she felt.

There are for their father and son's deep gratification, but also hide his apology.

Maybe it's this guilt. After every day, Cheng yingxuan takes care of Yan shiting with less points.

In other words, she was threatened by him on the surface, but in fact she was willing to take care of him.

Yan shiting's eyes fall on Cheng yingxuan's wrist. The bruise on her wrist is almost as good as he pinches her. Her skin is white again. He feels more comfortable.

Her skin is so good that she shouldn't have scars.

Cheng yingxuan noticed that he was paying attention to the sight of his wrist, and knew that he was caring about his wrist injury. His heart was a little warm.

With Cheng yingxuan's willingness, two big and one small, their daily life seems to be happy.

Yan shiting's cold face is often full of smile.

Half a month later, Nick, the attending doctor, routinely examined Yan shiting's abdominal injury. He also said as usual, "Mr. Yan's recovery has made progress, and he still needs a period of rest."

Although Cheng yingxuan is not a doctor, she has good medical knowledge after years of killer career, "is Yan shiting's injury progressing?"

Hearing this, Xiaobao grabbed her clothes and asked, "Xuanxuan, is uncle Yan's injury worse?"

"It's not aggravating." Cheng yingxuan said, "his injury has almost recovered." Glancing at Nick, "don't you say, doctor?"

"This..." Nick's eyes peeked at the bed, as if Yan shiting, who was keeping his eyes closed, hesitated for a moment and did not dare to say more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!