Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 663

Cheng yingxuan raised her head from the mobile phone stock trading page and took a glance at the document, which was written with the paternity test report of Jiasheng hospital.

Just a glance, she did not even ask the move, and then buried herself back to continue to share.

Yan shiting's hand holding the document was shaking unconsciously.

Waving his hand, the bodyguard stepped back knowingly.

Yan shiting took a deep breath to hide the tension in his eyes.

Yes, he has never been afraid of anything, and it is impossible for anything to disturb his mood.

Except for Cheng yingxuan and her son.

His eyes fell directly on the last line of the report, which clearly said:

after identification, the two samples were confirmed to be unrelated.

The heavy loss instantly rushed to his heart, quickly spread his whole chest, the whole person was almost out of despair.

He laughed sarcastically.

Knowing clearly that he has no fertility, he has to make such a paternity test report.

Knowing that Xiaobao can't be his child at all, he has to identify him.

Knowing that it was such a result, he still refused to give up!

Because he thought that there would be a miracle that would let him have a child of his own without any hope.

Unfortunately, miracles won't happen.

Sadness is greater than death, and excessive disappointment turns into despair.

He stares at her beautiful side face. He once asked her, do you want children? Her answer is yes.

He couldn't give her a child all his life. He couldn't have the blood relationship with her.

In other words, she is not worthy of her disability, who has no fertility and destroyed her left face!

The moderate temperature in the room, inexplicably gives a strange cold.

It seems that where there is Yan shiting, Dusen is as cold as hell that makes people fall into cold.

Senhan's natural emission from him is piercing with a kind of desolate despair.

She couldn't ignore it.

She replaced one of Xiao Bao's hair with that of her cake selling brother, and took it to the hair of Yan shiting for paternity test. The result is of course that there is no blood relationship.

He also told Yan shiting countless times that Xiaobao was not his child.

She thought that the appraisal was only for the sake of killing the elders of Yan family. He couldn't report his hope.

But Yan shiting's aura made her feel that he wanted to die.

Is he so desperate?

He wants children. He can make IVF with other women.

Although more than five years ago, his sperm almost died, after all, still picked out a dozen live.

She didn't know that his sperm had died in a few years. The best doctor had examined it. He couldn't give birth to any more living sperm.

To hide it from him, Xiaobao was born to him. She was guilty.

But she didn't want to enter Yan's family or lose Xiao Bao.

I can't help him.

She looked up and looked in his direction.

I thought I would see his expression of despair and sadness, but I didn't expect that his face was so cold that he couldn't see any emotion in his cold eyes.

Pulling open the bedside table, he casually put the appraisal report into the draw Qu, the attitude of cloud light breeze does not seem to regard this result as a trifle.

Who is Yan shiting?

Born high above, how can a woman see a joke. Even the woman he loved, he would not see any pity in her eyes!

He won't tell her that he can't have his own child. He won't tell her how painful this appraisal report makes him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!