Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 660

The leather sofa imported from Italy almost occupies the whole wall of the ultra-thin screen narrow side TV, high-grade crystal chandelier Every detail is exquisitely detailed. It is not like a ward at all, but a luxury presidential suite. You can't live without money.

Yan shiting is a behind the scenes shareholder of Jiasheng hospital, naturally living in the top luxury ward.

The chef pushed the dining car, put the plates on the European table, and filled the soup, and stood respectfully aside to serve.

Zheng Wei, the driver and bodyguard, helped Yan shiting in from the outside. Cheng Xiaobao saw him and asked him to help him, "Uncle Yan, why don't you lie down in bed?"

"You have to have a meal together for your mother and son." He endured the pain of his abdominal wound, and there was no expression on his cold face.

"Don't be so polite." Xiaobao some heartache tunnel, "you get up, that action is more careful, don't pull to the wound."

Yan shiting reached out and stroked Xiaobao's small head, which was regarded as accepting his concern.

Xiaobao quickly opened his seat, and Yan shiting took his seat with the help of Zheng Wei.

The cook served him a bowl of light soup and said in hard Chinese, "you can't eat spicy food now. The doctor told him to eat light soup."

Yan shiting nodded slightly, indicating Cheng yingxuan's mother and son, "start eating, don't be constrained."

She was not polite. She picked up the chopsticks and quickly began to use them. She noticed that Yan shiting put down his chopsticks without taking a few mouthfuls. She couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

She said in a flat voice, "as a patient, eating so many mouthfuls is not afraid to die of starvation?"

"You care about me?" Yan shiting's lips slightly raised.

"I'm afraid your wound will crack again, your body will not recover well, and you will be tired." She didn't admit it.

"You can ignore it," he said

"Uncle Yan, you need to eat more." Cheng Xiaobao takes the initiative to sit next to him. He picks up chopsticks to hold vegetables for him. He avoids spicy dishes, including steamed fish and sliced chicken

Yan shiting felt that Xiaobao was really a considerate child. He couldn't help touching the little guy's head, "I won't eat any more."

"Uncle, don't be willful. If you don't eat more, how can you keep up with your nutrition?" The little guy put the chopsticks into his hand, "nutrition can't keep up, how can you get rid of your injury?"

"I'm fine." He was afraid that the little guy would be disappointed and didn't want to refuse. He took a look at Cheng yingxuan and said, "I don't want to eat."

"Why are adults so ignorant? I'm not as good as a child." Cheng Xiaobao seriously education, "Uncle Yan is good, or Xiaobao feed you?"

"If your mother feeds me, I'll eat it." Yan shiting has a cool expression.

"Oh, for a long time, you are a coquettish and want my mother to feed you." Xiaobao's handsome face flashed his sudden emotion.

"Pooh Standing beside Zheng Wei and the chef couldn't help laughing. My God, this child is so cute that no one dares to say that their cool boss is coquettish. What a mismatch!

Received boss murderous eyes, must be cleaned up, two people quickly tense look, a tragic awareness of terror.

Yan shiting's stiff and precipitous face floated a trace of unnatural, and he drank out in a cold tone, "I didn't act like a coquette!"

Cheng yingxuan looks at him across the table, smiling at him immature!

Cheng Xiaobao held his cheek in his little hand and ignored Yan shiting's protest. "Xuanxuan, uncle Yan is rare to be coquettish. Do you want to feed him quickly?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!