Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 657

For the sake of being Xiao Bao's biological father, let alone.

She obediently pulled a chair to sit beside the hospital bed with him.

Yan shiting thought that she must make efforts to break away from his hoop system. Unexpectedly, she would compromise and sit quietly on one side.

"Don't pull me. I'm not going." She opened her lips coldly.

He had hurt her wrist before, but now he is holding her hand.

He didn't know.

She wrung her delicate eyebrows and let him go.

His big palm is thick and warm. It seems that there is a kind of reassuring magic. When he holds it, his heart beats faster.

In order to keep calm, Cheng yingxuan took out her mobile phone and began to analyze financial information and stocks on the Internet

Yan shiting's back was against the head of the bed. His cold eyes fell on her beautiful side face. He didn't even know it. The cold lacquer eyes gradually became gentle.

Cheng Xiaobao stands in the middle of the arch connecting with the inside. He sees Yan shiting's eyes looking at Xuanxuan. He is so gentle and doting that even a child can feel Yan shiting's love for Xuanxuan.

There was a slight smile on his small face, and he thought it was a good idea for Yan shiting to be his stepfather.

Otherwise, he won't have to fly all the way to America.

Cheng yingxuan is analyzing the latest wave of stock market, a little fascinated, suddenly feel someone touched Mo on the shoulder.

She turned to Yan shiting and said, "what are you doing?"

Cheng Xiaobao replied, "Uncle Yan is watching you look down at your mobile phone for too long, shoulder neck hard, help you massage it."

Yan shiting gave Xiaobao an appreciative look, and his eyes fell on Cheng yingxuan's face. "How come, what Xiaobao can see, but you can't think of it with your intelligence quotient, is it stupid?"

"You're stupid, your whole family is stupid! Don't press it She clapped his hands and suddenly thought of his family, including her precious son. And in the heart of the stupid people in addition to Xiaobao.

"I help you massage, that is the blessing of your ancestors, no one has that honor, you dare not think!" Yan shiting's cold face was icy.

"I don't want this honor to be given to other women." She snorted.

"You Yan shiting's eyes suddenly became cold.

"Xuanxuan, uncle Yan is right. He has precious time. He doesn't know how much money he can earn for a minute. His noble hand is willing to help you press it. In addition, he is still seriously injured. That's really hard to do. You shouldn't hate it."

Cheng yingxuan suddenly stood up and said, "Cheng Xiaobao, why do you help an outsider to speak, but not your mother?" No wonder she was excited.

In the past, Yan shiting asked her to eat high-grade special farm food. She was also very unhappy with him at that time, because he said his time was too precious. She felt that his time was expensive, so she could not waste it on her. I didn't expect that father and son actually said the same thing, which is worthy of blood.

Yan shiting's face darkened instantly. Dare to say he is an outsider! Continue to write down the account, wait for him a good, double punishment!

Cheng Xiaobao's round eyes turned, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Seems to hate uncle Yan? "

The bright line of sight looked at Yan shiting, "Uncle Yan looks very good, you always find fault with him."

Xiaobao didn't think it was like that.

Yan shiting looked at Cheng yingxuan and said, "woman, what's the matter with you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!