Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 655

Because he is not tall enough, he can't touch people's shoulder, "Uncle Yan, you have a good rest."

"OK." Yan shiting nodded slightly.

As soon as Xiaobao entered the room, Cheng yingxuan handed Yan shiting the hair she had just pulled out. "Here you are."

Of course, what she handed out was not Xiao Bao's hair at all.

When she went out for breakfast with Xiaobao before, she saw that the cake seller had hair with hair root on his body. She took it down quietly, cut the length of hair as long as Xiaobao's, and looped it into the nail seam.

her nails today are painted with special se nail polish.

Although it looks like an un colored Rou color, it is actually opaque.

Curled up a small piece of short hair with root, hidden in the middle finger nail seam, no one knows.

Let the bodyguard to take a little bit of dead leaves, because the top leaves are too small, and the surface is to cover up the reason for pulling out Xiaobao's hair.

No one doubted that under the cover of the half dead leaves, she scratched the nail of her thumb to the middle finger, got the cake selling brother's hair out of the nail seam, and stuffed Xiao Bao's hair into the nail seam of her middle finger.

It took her less than half a second to complete the process, and the speed was so fast that she didn't realize it.

What's more, God helped her. When her colleague changed her hair, Xiao Bao just looked up and asked her why she pulled out her hair. Yan shiting's eyes fell on Xiao Bao for half an instant.

That's half a second. That's enough.

Even if he could think that she would change her hair, he would never have imagined her speed.

Yan shiting takes Xiaobao's hair and looks at it. It's almost as long as Cheng Xiaobao's hair, and he doesn't doubt it.

He raised his hand and pulled out one of his hair and gave it to the bodyguard along with Xiaobao's hair, "take it for paternity test."

Originally, I wanted to tell you that the identification results should be brought over as soon as possible.

And afraid of the consequences of denial It's going to hurt.

So, there was no urge.

"Yes." The bodyguard respectfully wrapped two hair in napkins and turned out of the ward.

Cheng yingxuan deliberately said, "Mr. Yan, you are too troublesome. In fact, you know the result clearly, so it's useless to do the identification. It's not. It's better to make a fake identification report and send it to your parents. "

He glanced at her coldly, "I tell you, whether Xiaobao is my own, he can only be my son!"

She laughed at his reaction. "Do you want to be Xiao Bao's stepfather so much?"

So what? He was cold hum in his heart. He couldn't see her so proud. "The woman I fell in love with can only be my prey!"

"Prey?" She teased the corners of her lips. "So, do you want to be a hunter?" Kindly remind, "don't you forget that six years ago, it was I who strengthened you, and you were the passive undertaker!"

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and the smile on the corner of his lips was chilly. Instead of anger, he laughed, "your hobby is special. Like strong? I'm in a good mood. It doesn't matter if you're on it once in a while. "

She turned pale. "You

"Or can't you wait and want to come now?" The smile on the corner of his lips deepened, and his eyes became ambiguous and hot. "I remember that six years ago, I was also in this hospital. You gave me so thirsty Do you want to go back to the old dream when you come to this hospital

That time, it was his first time.

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