Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 595

Forgive her for not wanting the secret to be known to him.

Because no matter how powerful she is, if she really wants to fight for Xiaobao's custody, she is really not his opponent.

Her bright eyes looked back at his cold and resolute face, "what do you mean?"

"Let others think Xiaobao is your son and me." He made it clearer.


He looped her body in his arms, "because I want to be nice to you and Xiaobao."

She was moved again, "Yan shiting, don't do this..." He would make her feel guilty not to tell him the secret.

He took her waist and walked to the bed. "We haven't done it for many days..."

She raised three black lines on her forehead, and the feeling that she had just floated was lowered again, "be a big head ghost, we have already broken up!"

He was the same old saying, "I never agreed to break up!"

"I said, if I miss that proposal, I won't give you another chance." Said that her heart is as hard as iron, she is not a slap, coax a few will be OK woman.

"I didn't miss the proposal. It was broadcast at 7 o'clock that night."

"Break up. It's useless for you to continue to propose." She stiffened her pretty face and clapped open his hand. "I warn you, don't move, or I'll throw you down from the 15th floor."

He looked at her with a grim look, "you dead woman, so cold and heartless!"

Thinking that the hateful text message made him "break up" with her, he wanted to kill Zhang Jing, who used her mobile phone and pretended to send messages with her voice!


We have to find out the main emissary behind the scenes.

No wonder her attitude is that he misunderstood her. "Cheng yingxuan, the reason why I don't propose is because..."

"Because your elders don't agree, you're afraid of your family."

"I didn't pay any attention to the old Yan family."

"Is it?" Although she asked suspiciously, she actually believed his words, "that's not to listen to your family's words. Why do you regret before you propose?" “……” He was silent.

If she said the content of the text message, she must have guessed that Zhang Jing sold her, which should be.

It is clear in the text message that he is infertile, and he does not want to be known by her, or dare not let her know

But we can't keep it from her.

So, he said tentatively, "Cheng yingxuan, do you like children?"

"Yes." She nodded, "especially like my little treasure." In fact, before, she was a person who didn't like children, but after she became a mother, she thought the children were very lovely.

There was a pain in his dark pupil. Unfortunately, he couldn't give her a child in his whole life.

"Xiaobao is really cute." His face was a little stiff. He and Xiaobao are also very congenial, although not their own, as it is.

She was taken to the big bed by him and sat there, afraid that he would force herself to bed. She stood up and went out.

I thought he would stop him, but he was sitting on the edge of the bed. His gloomy eyes were full of complexity, and I didn't know what he was thinking.

Yan shiting thought that he could not have children. His heart was in the pain of blood dripping. The boundless darkness seemed to cover his life

"Cheng yingxuan..." He called out to her.

She had just come to the door and asked her head suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

He reached out and stroked the mask on his left cheek. "Why don't I have a facelift?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!