Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 592

"Mom, there are two crazy people, I'm afraid!" Cheng xiaobaonen's voice was choked.

Cheng Xuan's heart aches when she hears her son's death. She put her hands around Xiaobao's armpits and put his body in her arms. The old master and Cen Sufen held on to Xiaobao's leg, and the three formed a mode of grabbing.

Cheng Xiaobao was not afraid of these two "lunatics". He didn't want to cry. He just choked on his saliva, and his voice was choked.

He couldn't stand an old woman kissing himself with an older old man, so he wanted to run away.

"Let go of you Cheng yingxuan yells at the two who catch their legs.

"You let it go!" CEN Sufen is not willing to be outdone.

"You scared Xiaobao Cheng yingxuan was a little angry.

They seem to know that their behavior is too extreme, and they let go of their hands.

Cheng yingxuan immediately closed the door and drove to run.

She can't keep the secret. She's not afraid of the two in front of her, and she's afraid of Yan shiting

It doesn't matter if Yan shiting splits her, just for fear that he will rob her of the child's custody.

After driving five meters, she still calmly parked the car in the parking space beside the flower bed.

Now run, with the power of the Yan family, she and Xiaobao can definitely be caught back.

It's better to watch the change.

She thought it was strange, because the old master and Ms. Cen could not know that Xiaobao was Yan shiting's own son!

Open the door, she got out of the car first, let Xiaobao sit in the car for the time being.

The two old men outside immediately gathered around and gazed at Xiao Bao outside the window, which made Xiao Bao's face hot and unhappy.

"Mr. Yan, what did you say just now? How can Xiao Bao be your great grandson Cheng yingxuan walked to the old man and spoke coldly.

"Xiaobao looks like shiting. He must be the son of shiting."

"You are too clumsy. Where does Xiaobao look like Yan shiting?" Cheng yingxuan curled her lip and looked more like her, OK?

"I already know the truth." "Xiao Bao is the son of Shi Ting."

Cheng yingxuan saw that Yan shiting was just coming over. He could hear him. She asked quietly, "old master, how do you think Xiaobao is the son of shiting?"

"Shiting is so kind to you and patient with Xiaobao. He also gives Xiaobao villas with a market value of several hundred million yuan. If Xiaobao was not born of him, who else could have made it? " Then came Cen Sufen.

Hearing his mother's words, Yan shiting thinks that she mistook Xiaobao for Yan's blood. He really wants his grandson to be crazy.

He got news that his mother and grandfather went to Xiaobao's school and mistook Xiaobao for the Yan Family's heir. If they knew that he had no fertility, they would have to be very angry.

"Shi Ting, you are here." CEN Sufen's face complained and said, "you are really hiding your mother from me. Xiaobao is the blood of Yan family. Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"There's something to say." His face was so cold that his expression did not fluctuate.

Cheng yingxuan's heart is hanging like a lot of buckets.

Did he mean to know that Xiaobao was his son, or did he think it didn't matter?

"It's a big deal. You should have said it earlier." Old master Yan said with a straight face, "your mother and I would not object to your association with Cheng yingxuan." , the fastest update of the webnovel!