Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 579

He has some gloomy mood because of her words and happily raised the corner of his lips, "do you care about me?"

"If you don't eat, it's none of my business!" She sat on the sofa watching TV, picked up the remote control and switched to a French TV station.

He sat next to her and said softly, "do you understand French?"

Although it is a question, his tone is certain.

She didn't care about him.

He did not eat rice, took the initiative to help her pare a plate of fruit, picked up a good cut imported fragrant pear to her, she did not pick up.

He changed an apple, but she still didn't pick it up.

She patiently changed more than a dozen kinds of fruit, but she didn't even look at it.

In my heart, this little woman is very difficult to coax, she is really not the kind of hurt, he coax a coax can be regarded as nothing.

A trace of sadness flashed through the gloomy pupil. How can we reconcile the past with her?

He wants to slap himself in the face again

Why did you misunderstand her? He can only blame his love for her too much, and with her, he is too deep to tolerate her betrayal, dislike, and his IQ has become low.

I heard that the woman in love is not rational. He has a deep feeling now, and the man in love is also not wise.

Cheng yingxuan looked at the time shown in the lower right corner of the TV screen. It was nine o'clock in the evening. She had been drinking the glass of water in her room for two hours. She did not respond at all.

She looked at him suspiciously. "Didn't you say you put medicine in my water glass? I don't feel at all. "

"Cough..." He coughed gently, "I'm joking with you. I'm not willing to prescribe medicine to you. To do so, it's the medicine that can make you deeply love me without regret."

She has been cheated and she has been hanging around for two hours I'm afraid it's spring again.

His sharp eyes flash deep meaning, close to her ear, warm voice said, "want me to prescribe medicine to you? Then I'll ask someone to send me some to protect you from immortality and death under me... "

"Damn NIMA!" She was furious.

He picked up the tea on the table and handed it to her, "wife, drink some tea to eliminate the fire."

When she took it, she heard him call her wife, and the tone was so natural that she almost spouted out a mouthful of tea. She barely swallowed it and choked, "cough, cough (cough, cough... "

He frowned, reached out and patted her chest. The soft touch made him lose his mind, and his face was filled with heartache. "Look at you, how old you are. You can still choke after drinking water. It's not a child..."

The doting tone makes any woman's heart beat. She feels numb in her heart. How can this dead man become a super warm man who won't lose his temper from the black face God before she wakes up?

She finally gasped, stopped coughing and glared at him, "where do you feel your hands?"

He reluctantly took back his big palm from her chest and said solemnly, "who can I touch if I don't touch you?"

"Don't you like to recruit Ji? Just go and touch a prostitute. " She stepped on his sore foot.

He stretched out his arms and domineering her in his arms, and his thin lips pressed to her ear, "I want to tell you a secret..."

"I don't want to hear your secret." She said that, but she still wanted to know.

"If you don't listen to me, you don't always get me wrong." He put out his tongue to lick her delicate earlobe, and his warm breath was sprayed on her ear. "When I touch another woman, or be touched by another woman, I will get a red rash all over my body, and I can only touch you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!