Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 567

Yan shiting nodded slightly, as if thinking of something, "I got the marriage certificate with Cheng yingxuan, don't make it public for the time being."

He was eager to let people all over the world know that Cheng yingxuan's attitude was that she was not a woman who could be intimidated and didn't want her to rebound.

Now it's enough to give him a headache.

He has always been decisive in business and political affairs. However, he met Cheng yingxuan and could not make a decision.

"Yes." The lawyer answered with deference. Before Yan shiting arrived in the Civil Affairs Bureau, what happened to Mu Yufeng and Cheng yingxuan was all told, "it was said by the witnesses who went to handle the certificate. Miss Cheng really doesn't want to marry Mu Yufeng. "

Yan shiting was as cold as ice, and his face was better.

It's one thing for mu Yufeng to say that Xuan refuses to marry on the premise of protecting her life.

With a wave of his hand, the lawyer withdrew knowingly.

Yan shiting stared at the two marriage certificates for a while, and a ray of satisfaction appeared in his gloomy pupil.

It's long overdue.

She refused to marry mu. He always felt that it was because she still had herself in her heart.

At this thought, Yan shiting was in a better mood.

Now he is occupying the Mu family manor. It is inconvenient for him to put his things here. He went to his villa next door and collected the two marriage certificates. He was elated when he thought that Cheng yingxuan was his rightful wife.

He tasted the word "wife" in his heart He is strange and good.

Before, he didn't want to call a woman a wife, and he didn't want to marry any woman.

After Cheng yingxuan appeared in his life, everything became different.

Looking up at the sky, there was a dark cloud covering the whole day. The sun penetrated through the clouds, shining golden rays, which seemed to symbolize the impending removal of clouds.

For the next two days, Yan shiting and Cheng yingxuan lived directly in Mujia manor, but three people slept in different rooms.


On the other side of Yan's old house, Yan Laoye, Yan Song and Cen Sufen are sitting in the living room to discuss.

"Mu boy seems to have disappeared. It's impossible to find out where shiting's hands tied him." Old master Yan was very worried, "son, what can I do now?"

Yan Song looked very strict. "Dad, Mu's family calls me every day to urge me to press me to release Mu Yufeng. The world Ting this time is too shameful, how can Mu Yu Feng be shut up. I got the news that shiting had occupied the Mujia manor and followed Cheng yingxuan's mother and son closely these two days. It's just a drain bottle for a woman. He doesn't know the weight

Old master Yan was not very happy to hear him say so. "Shiting always has a sense of propriety."

"This time it's overdone. We must let him release muyufeng immediately

Mr. Yan took up his tea cup, put the lid on the edge of the cup and pointed it, "don't just tell me. You can call him."

A touch of complexity flashed across Yan Song's face. Yes, a phone call was delayed for two days.

I don't know if it's his illusion. Since Shi Ting was burned nearly six years ago, the distance between him and his father is getting farther and farther.

From when, Shi Ting not only moved away from his old house, but only went home to eat once or twice a month.

It has always been his wife and father in contact with Shi Ting.

He suddenly realized In the past six years, Shi Ting has never called him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!