Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 552

Cheng yingxuan is a moment against the pressure of the public will boxing.

If there is a rational woman, in the face of Mu Yu Feng, such a wonderful object, which will refuse? It's absolutely a big sign. The certificate will come down.

Sometimes, it has nothing to do with rationality.

Her heart is cold, think he should be able to see that she is not ready to marry him.

She was forced to feel uncomfortable when he pushed the duck on the shelf.

"Xuanxuan..." The expectation in his eyes increased, even more begging.

A sunny multi gold handsome boy, that little dog can not get love as sincere and pitiful, see next to the number of young men and women can not bear.

Cheng yingxuan sighed, "muyufeng, you didn't ask me in advance. You can't decide without authorization. You said it was your friend who came to get the certificate, and then you brought me in to look for your friend. I think you're not just looking for a friend, but I don't think you're going to lie to me

Her words quieted the men and women present.

"Sorry, I'm just afraid you won't..."

"If you make a decision without authorization, you have to bear the consequences yourself." Her face was somewhat regretful.

"I know. But I still hope that there will be a miracle, and you will agree to... "

The onlookers' hearts are all tangled up. I really don't think a couple of mandarin ducks can't make it.

The staff suddenly said, "everybody, the computer doesn't know how the screen is black? I can't turn it on again. "

The divorce certificate side also said, "I can't open the computer here, it seems that there is a power failure."

Someone turned on the lighting in the hall and pressed it several times, but it didn't light up. "It's really blackout!"

"What if there's a power failure?" There are couples in line to quit, "power failure, registration can not go to the network, quickly repair the circuit ah! It's really bad luck. I chose the right day to get the certificate, but the Civil Affairs Bureau didn't have electricity... "

The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately called for repair. After pressing several keys, the phone could not be called out, "the telephone line has also been cut off. Telephone lines and circuits are two different things. Why can't I dial them out? "

Mu Yu Feng sees this and guesses that it is Yan shiting's action. He looks ugly.

Cheng yingxuan silent for a moment, "we are doomed to miss."

"It's not predestined, it's man-made!" Anger flashed through his eyes.

In fact, with the great power of Mu family, even if he and Cheng yingxuan don't show up, he can do the marriage certificate.

However, he has the ability to apply for the certificate without her consent, and Yan shiting also has the ability to withdraw the certificate.

Therefore, he wanted to really take her to get the certificate, sign her, and then publish the news to create the established facts.

All of a sudden, the sound of a helicopter sounded over the top floor. A dark shadow flew down from the plane. He tied a long steel wire in the air. He swung violently, "bang", and kicked the glass from the second floor window into the room.

As he landed on the ground, he unfastened his safety buckle, and the wire rope swung back out of the room.

The people in the hall screamed and fled.

After a close look, the man who just came in was dressed in suits and leather shoes, with a mask on his left face, and his whole body was domineering and dignified. At first glance, he was the man in power.

Cheng yingxuan stood still. She was a little surprised. Yan shiting actually flew in from the window to see his handsome and neat flying movements. It was obvious that he had been specially trained. , the fastest update of the webnovel!