Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 549

"No need to sit." Cheng yingxuan politely also wants to say something, Mu Yufeng immediately takes her words, "she does not sit, I sit on the line. It's time to start. "

The staff member was a middle-aged woman of about 40 years old. Regardless of whether they were young or young, they looked at Cheng yingxuan and said to Mu Yufeng, "a lot of people just like to regret when they are done. Do you really want to know?"

"Think clearly." Mu Yu Feng firmly said, "I will not regret it!" I would like to marry Xuanxuan home.

"All right." The staff nodded and asked formulaically, "do you have children?"

Muyufeng thought of Xiaobao, pause for half a second, "there is one."

Cheng yingxuan originally thought that Mu Yufeng was dragging her to get the certificate and wanted to stop him. After listening to his reply, was he not childless? I don't know what kind of plane he's doing. Is it really a question and answer agent for his friend? When his friend comes, he will save some time?

She was silent for a moment.

Yu Feng was very excited, but Xuanxuan didn't stop her, indicating that she was willing.

I really want to finish the certificate right away!

"How old is the child, male or female?" The staff continued to ask.

"Boy, more than four years old." Yu Feng answered honestly.

The staff's eyes slipped on his face and Cheng yingxuan's face. They couldn't see that the couple were so young and their children were so old. "Will you or she pay for the child's maintenance in the future?"

"Of course I will." Mu Yufeng does not hesitate to marry Xuanxuan, and Xiaobao is also his son.

"Do you each have property?"


"Is there any property dispute?"

"No Mu Yu Feng said rightfully, "mine is hers, hers or hers, there will be no dispute."

After listening to his reply, the staff member's eyes became strange, "are you really ready for the agreement?" the feelings did not seem to break and they came to apply for the certificate. They could not point out that they would regret when they left the gate.

"I really think about it. Please hurry up!"

"Well, in fact, I also want to advise you not to apply for the certificate..."

"How could that be possible?" Mu Yufeng is in a hurry. The staff will continue to talk nonsense. If Xuanxuan changes her mind, he will blow up the Civil Affairs Bureau!

The staff is no nonsense, "since you are all ready, then take out the documents."

Mu Yu Feng pulled Cheng yingxuan's sleeve and said, "Xuanxuan, can you lend me your ID card?"

"Why?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Just borrow it." He's going to muddle through.

Cheng yingxuan obviously saw something. She still gave him her ID card.

He immediately gave his ID card and her together to the staff, and the other party checked that they were themselves, "where is the household register?"

"Here it is!" A middle-aged man panted into the hall and put Mu Yufeng's account book and Cheng yingxuan's household registration certificate at the registration counter.

He is Zhou Yue, the housekeeper of Mujia manor.

Mu Yufeng sent a short message to Zhou Yue in the car, asking him to send the account book immediately, and to pull a household registration certificate of Cheng yingxuan.

He didn't dare to ask Xuanxuan for her household registration book. He also checked it. The household registration certificate issued by the police station can replace the household register.

So, he moved the relationship and asked Zhou Yue to pull a household registration certificate of Xuanxuan.

"Young master, am I late?" Zhou Yue gasped for breath.

"Just in time." Feather maple is still satisfied.

The staff nodded, "well. I have the certificate. What about the custody agreement between the property and the child? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!