Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 537

"I feel very happy to be able to make breakfast for you personally," he said with a gentle smile on his sunny and handsome face

Cheng Xiaobao water bone Lu eyes in Mu Yu Feng face turn, "Mu uncle is really a warm man."

"You know what a warm man is, little man?" Mu Yufeng is dumb and laughs.

"Just like you." After breakfast, the little guy jumped off the ground, just when the private tutor arrived, he said hello to Mu Yufeng and Cheng yingxuan, and went upstairs to the study with Xiaobao.

Yingxuan took out her mobile phone and looked at the time. It was eight o'clock in the morning.

At the usual time, she is at work

Now She was laid off.

The news of Romona's death jumped out of the headlines of mobile news.

Glancing casually, I can basically guess that this woman was killed by Yan Kai, because Yan shiting disdains even killing her.

CEN Sufen's mobile phone number calls, she frowned, or picked up, "hello."

"Cheng yingxuan, isn't she?" On the other end of the phone came the old and sonorous voice of an old man.

She heard the voice, "it's Mr. Yan. What can I do for you?"

"You are free now, and have a morning tea. I'll see you in the first box on the second floor of Mingtai teahouse in an hour. Don't say you have no time. I know you are laid off. There is plenty of time. "

Old master Yan finished and hung up without waiting for her reaction.

Cheng yingxuan stares at the suspended cell phone for three seconds. It seems that she didn't promise to go. Old master Yan is really

Who said the laid-off will be free? I don't want to waste my time on irrelevant people.

According to her temper, she is not willing to kill each other. For the sake of the other party's 70 years and 80 years old, I still reluctantly go.

Mu Yufeng pricked her ears and listened to the content of the phone, "Xuanxuan, old master Yan's tone is not good. He will certainly embarrass you. I'll go with you? "

"Thank you for your concern." She said with a smile, "you don't have to go with me."

"You'd better not go alone..."

"If I don't go, I don't think Mr. Yan will give up. Don't worry. It's just a morning tea treat. It's OK. "


After a while, Cheng yingxuan drove her car out of the door alone.

Park the car on the street, she entered the Ming Tai tea house.

This is a Chinese style teahouse with high-grade decoration. The environment is elegant and a few tables of guests are scattered.

"Hello, miss. Do you have a reservation?" Asked the welcome lady.

"The first box on the second floor."

"It turns out that you are Mr. Yan's guest. Please follow me." The welcome girl politely compared a gesture of invitation and led her up the stairs.

Two bodyguards stood at the door of the box on the second floor.

The welcome lady knocked at the door, "Mr. Yan, your guest is here."

The box door opens and Cheng yingxuan walks in.

It was a spacious box with a table by the window facing the street, with two chairs on each side.

In his old clothes of cloth button type, old man Yan sat in his chair and drank tea. He was full of energy and looked very elegant.

CEN Sufen, about 50, stood beside his chair.

Cheng yingxuan went over and pulled out the chair. "Hello, I'm here."

"Do you understand the rules?"

she took out her mobile phone and looked at the time, "it's just an hour, I'm not late."

"Who told you about being late? You can sit on my opposite door? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!