Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 527

Her face was worse than that of him. "To tell you the truth, Yan, I don't like you anywhere now!"

She would not know that he was kind enough to ask her to fish and have special meals.

That also needs to have a good mood, with the sentiment person.

Yan shiting's face is like a king of hell. Can you put her on the shelf again?

With a bang, he put his chopsticks on the table, and the dishes on the table shook. "Cheng yingxuan, which tendon are you wrong? Can't you speak well?"

"Yes, I'll say it." She pulled a paper towel and wiped the corners of her mouth. "I've had enough of my meal. Could you tell me what you want to talk to me about?"

She is running out of patience.

Don't say, she will not cover up her skills, directly from the bodyguard to grab a few guns, gun battle out!

Yan shiting had seen her impatience for a long time. He didn't contact with women before. For a woman who disliked him, he didn't want to put his face down to coax her, but he wanted to spend more time with her.

So I kept procrastinating.

Now don't say is no good, he coldly glanced at her, "do you think I have something to do with he Xiaotong, so I'm jealous?"

"He Xiaotong?" She raised her eyebrows and said, "who is he Xiaotong?"

she even forgot her name. Dare you, she is not jealous? He slightly narrowed his eyes and said, "miss of the entertainment city, I said the night before yesterday that the woman who took her to the presidential suite to open a room did not touch her."

"Oh?" She sneered and raised the corner of her lip, "if you don't touch her, why do you take people to open a room? Do you have nothing to do

He resisted the impulse to strangle her and burst out a sentence between his teeth, "sure, I'll show you the opera."

Cheng yingxuan was stunned for a second before she understood what he meant. Suddenly she was happy, "Mr. Yan, you are really funny. You don't think that you take a woman to open a room, and I will be jealous?"

although she was really upset at that time, she would like to chop him into pieces, and she would not admit it.

Seeing the sarcastic smile on her face, he asked coldly, "don't you feel jealous if I really sleep with other women?"

"I'm sorry," she said, "I don't feel much."

He was so angry that she didn't care about him? It is still necessary to explain clearly, "I said, I didn't touch he Xiaotong's prostitute, nor did I touch other women. What do you want me to do?"

"I never let you do anything." "That's what you're going to talk about, and have you finished?" she asked in a flat tone

He was silent, and a chill came from all over him.

"It seems that you are finished. I'll go first." She pulled up her chair, and his Hansen voice said, "I'll let you go?"

"If I can't go, I need your permission?" She was angry.

How can you hold her chair so hard that you can almost break her waist

"I should ask you that." She thought it was funny, "Yan shiting, you don't have a high IQ of 200, your IQ was eaten by the dog? I've broken up with you. Do you understand? That's the marriage of men and women, each of which has nothing to do with it. What's the point of not having sex with a prostitute or another woman? It's none of my business! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!