Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 523

"Pervert!" "You dare to do that, I will kill you!" she said

He saw the killing opportunity from her moist eyes, shrugged indifferently, "I'm looking forward to your doing that."

His world was dark and dark. With his achievements and the influence of the Yan family, he had no successor and was abandoned.

She could be buried together, but he had many companions on his way to death.

Although she didn't see the expression when he spoke, she could clearly feel that he didn't care whether she really wanted his life. This man was too unpredictable.

She pursed her lips and said nothing.

After another ten kilometers, the car turned a corner and entered a courtyard where the words "turtle villa" were carved in gold paint on the arch of the courtyard.

Zheng Wei parked the car in the yard and took the lead to help Cheng yingxuan open the door.

She got out of the car and saw a row of waiters standing at the door of a delicate three story modern Chinese style building.

In the yard, a line of bodyguards in black suits with guns stood upright.

As soon as he saw Yan shiting get out of the car, his bodyguards all bowed.

The waiter of turtle mountain villa bowed down and saluted with one voice, "welcome Mr. Yan and Miss Cheng!"

Even her surname Cheng knows that Yan shiting has already arranged his trip.

The soft shelled turtle villa in the suburbs is a high-end consumption place. Cheng yingxuan has heard of this villa's business is very good. It is said that it is the first delicacy of turtle in Chenxia City, but she has never come to eat.

A waiter respectfully asked, "two of you, would you like to fish first to cultivate elegant interest, or directly into the box seat?"

Yan shiting said to Cheng yingxuan without expression, "there is a big pond behind the Chuang Tzu, in which there are turtle. Some guests like to hammer and fish. What do you think? "

She glanced at him coldly for a long time. He took her to dinner. "You don't have to do this, some..."

"Then go fishing." He took her by the hand and walked behind the villa.

He is thick and big, holding her small hand. In the cool climate, his warm palm is a bit rough, bringing a little warmth to her skin.

Her face was stiff, a little nostalgic for being held by him.

Thinking of breaking up with him, she pulled her hand back.

His palm was like a forceful clamp, which she could not open.

She glanced at his expressionless face, trying to slap him.

You don't know you can't touch your ex girlfriend's hand when you break up?

With his nature, he is afraid that the more she struggles, the more domineering he is.

Forget it, it's just a little way. He wants to hold her hand and let him.

The waiter was in a hurry to lead the way.

Out of the exquisite Chinese style decoration building, to the back of the house, there is also a cobblestone paved path, in the back of the hillside, there is a huge pond.

The edge of the pond is paved with smooth stone and green bricks. On the green brick road, there are outdoor tables and chairs and a tea table every two meters, which are obviously used for fishing for guests.

Cheng yingxuan knew that the restaurant was famous, and there was an endless stream of people coming to eat every day. Today, there was no single guest. She thought about it with her toes and knew that Yan shiting had made it.

He has always been a bodyguard when he goes out, but he doesn't like to be surrounded by too many people. Most of the time, the bodyguard is in the dark.

The two waiters waiting on the stone bank of the pond have prepared two fishing rods and even put on the bait.

Yan shiting takes Cheng yingxuan to the middle of the bank. He pulls out one of the chairs and signals her to sit down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!