Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 508

She closed her eyes and was nearly killed by him. Last night, she was drugged and pestered with him all night. Just now she has made up for more than two hours. She is dying. She has no strength to speak and doesn't want to speak.

Silence is silent protest.

He got out of bed and lifted her quilt.

She was cold and exposed to his eyes without warning.

Unable to resist, can only ferociously stare at him, that look in the eyes is to use a knife in a piece of his meat.

For her fierce eyes, Yan shiting didn't pay any attention to her, and looked at her beautiful body perfectly.

His skin was as white as snow, tender as fat, and his waist was so thin that he could hardly hold his hand. The feeling of the slender pair wrapped around his waist

He couldn't think about it any more. He reacted again.

Cheng yingxuan glanced at his lower body, trembling with fear. She was afraid that he would come again.

"Look at you. It's shaking." Yan shiting, also naked, stretched out his hand to point her pretty nose, stroked her shoulder and neck with a big palm, leaned over her face, and his voice was hoarse, "why, I'm afraid I want you again?"

As long as she dare to say that she is not afraid, he will help her!

Like caressing the most precious silk and satin, the big palm swam in her tender skin. To her, he always wanted not enough.

She bit her lip and said nothing.

Ignore this unreasonable beast!

He stopped his waist to beat her and held her up. She exclaimed, thinking that he was going to do something wrong again. Seeing that he just carried herself to the bathroom, she obeyed.

The shower tap in the bathroom. She took a cold shower last night when she entered the room. She couldn't turn off the valve. The shower is still on. I don't know how much water has been wasted.

The gurgling water seeps down from the floor drain, but it doesn't overflow the bathroom.

Yan shiting noticed that the water was not turned off. After probing into the water, he suddenly remembered that she was lying on the ground with her wet clothes on. She said heartily, "before I entered the room last night, you were taking a cold shower?"

Although it was a question, his tone was affirmative.

It is estimated that she has no strength to take off her clothes. Otherwise, who will wear clothes to wash cold water?

She was still silent.

"I'm sorry, Cheng yingxuan, I didn't protect you."

"It's none of your business." She finally opened her mouth, and her voice was so hoarse that she could hardly make a sound because she had been whispering under him all night last night.

It was Hua Bo's move that she was so angry that she drank the wine with "ingredients" knowing the predictable consequences.

She was angry that Yan shiting went to the presidential suite with a prostitute.

Thinking that he had touched another woman, she immediately felt that he was so dirty!

He made her sit in the bathtub, turned the shower into hot water, squeezed the shower gel and smeared it on her. She frowned disgustingly, "get out of here, I'll do it myself!"

As if he hadn't heard of it, he still helped her wash it.

One touched another woman's dirty hand, and she got goose bumps all over her body. She was so disgusted that she was holding the bathtub to retch.

"What's the matter with you? You're not feeling well?" His cold male voice is full of concern.

If he had seen her retch in the past, he would have been so happy that he thought she was pregnant.

Since I saw the sperm report

He knew that he would never have made her pregnant in his life.

In the eyes of the gloomy pupil flashed the unspeakable pain.

"I guess it's because you didn't eat anything all night, and you didn't eat breakfast. Your stomach was upset. I'll have breakfast delivered. " Naked, he went to the room and dialed the delivery number of the switchboard , the fastest update of the webnovel!