Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 493

Yan shiting glanced at her naked body, which is a pair of attractive women and body.

If you change a man, I'm afraid it would have been a long time ago.

He took a mouthful of the wine glass with a cold face, and his eyes were slightly narrowed.

He Xiaotong's body is bare, his body, skin is particularly confident.

She is a school flower in school, a large number of men prostrate under her pomegranate skirt.

The flower owners of "never night sky" all want to pay for the "first fresh". She does not believe that Yan is always not moved.

Secretly looking at his expression, her face was so cold that she could not see half of the joy and anger.

In front of him, she suddenly felt a little tender, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

He just sat there, elegant and dignified enough to kill all the men she had seen.

She felt honored to be opened Bao by him.

Although Yan shiting was looking at her standing position, his eyes only glanced at her completely naked female body.

Although her physical material is not bad, he found himself not half interested.

As his eyes went down, he caught a glimpse of her legs

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little sick.

He wondered if he was suffering from female resistance.

He is an adult man. He has been to a woman before. Every time he sees a woman take off, he can't stand the touch of his hand.

And if you see a woman's stomach.

Except for one woman, Cheng yingxuan.

He thinks Cheng yingxuan's body is really beautiful, which is the most perfect proportion he has ever seen. She has the most tender skin in the world, which can be broken by blowing bullets and is tender and smooth than coagulated fat

You cold eyes unknowingly become blurred.

He thought of Cheng yingxuan's incomparably beautiful body

He Xiaotong mistakenly thinks that the infatuation in his eyes is because of himself.

Her heart flashed a proud, there is no man not for her heart.

Bravely, she took off her shoes and stepped forward to the sofa beside him. She sat down and leaned into his arms with her whole delicate body, "Mr. Yan..."

Plain hand to his chest, hard flat touch, that he has a good physique.

She was so nervous that her breath was almost suffocating.

A feeling of boredom rose abruptly from his chest, almost as soon as she touched his body, the nausea in his stomach rose.

He originally wanted to push her away. When he thought of Cheng yingxuan's dislike, he thought of her saying that even if he looked for another woman, she didn't care.

He was depressed and hard to calm down, and he was definitely her Cheng yingxuan!

Forced to resist the impulse to push her away, he took the glass and drank the red wine in the glass.

He Xiaotong found that his male body was shaking, thinking that he was over excited. She lifted his chest with one hand, and even moved down his strong abdomen with the other hand, trying to touch his part

Yan shiting trembled with rage because of his nausea. Unexpectedly, she was forced to touch his lower abdomen. He clasped her hand and pushed her away. A word came out of his cold thin lips, "get out!"

Only Cheng yingxuan can touch his life.

Painfully found, he really must Cheng yingxuan, that dead woman won!

Even if the surname Cheng dislikes him in every way, he is still imprisoned by her body and mind.

He Xiaotong was still immersed in the joy of hooking him for a moment, but he didn't expect to be pushed away mercilessly by brute force the next moment.

She turned pale and said, "Yan General manager Yan... "

"I told you to go away, didn't you hear me?" His sharp eyes burst out in his sharp eyes, like a sharp sword can split her into countless pieces.

He Xiaotong trembled with fear. She was naked. At this stage, how could she be willing to leave, "Mr. Yan, what did I do wrong I can do whatever you want... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!