Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 489

"How about it? Not bad. " Looking at he Xiaotong, the flower mat was very satisfied. "If I didn't want to break the rule of" no night sky ", I would never pay for the" first fresh ". Otherwise, if I was so colorful, I would have to go to all the places that were clean and more beautiful. Many of the guests have paid for the "first fresh" hobby. It's hard to do business these days, so I have to set a rule for myself and only pick up leftovers from customers' games. "

He Xiaotong stood there a bit uneasily, obviously not used to the atmosphere of entertainment city.

Yan Shiting's sharp eyes glanced at her lightly. There was no strange smell of perfume and heavy makeup, but what a natural beauty.

In a man's eyes, no matter how high the eyes are, the other side is still a place to shoot, which is completely qualified.

Don't know why, Cheng yingxuan that more beautiful face has been constantly running into his mind.

He is impatient with other women.

He Tong is wearing a famous brand-name mask, but his face is very charming.

She saw him in the newspaper, he is one of the richest people in the world, Yan shiting, President of thunder group!

The mask on his face was so conspicuous that it was difficult to recognize him in Chenxia city.

Yan shiting started to set up a company abroad when he was in University. He started from scratch. He still expanded the company without the power of the Yan family. More than five years ago, it was reported that he was the successor of the Yan family because he broke the engagement with his fiancee Luo Mengna.

Over the past two days, the video of Luo Mengna sleeping with an unknown man in the world trade center has been widely broadcast on the Internet. The news is full of eye-catching headlines that the former fiancee of general manager Yan of thunder group had sex with someone in the hotel.

Luo Mengna is just a woman who owns a medium-sized enterprise in this city. She has a close relationship with general manager Yan. Her eye rate has increased hundreds of times in an instant.

He Xiaotong's brain is turning rapidly. Her family owes a lot of debts. If she goes to Yan shiting, not to mention the debt of her family, her mother's medical expenses will be her glory, wealth and enjoyment for the rest of her life!

Yan shiting smokes silently, but he can't see his emotion in his cold pupil light.

"You don't like it, man. You have to say something." The flower mat is a little anxious.

He Tong's goods are still not suitable for him.

Before her family went bankrupt, she was like a princess at home. How could she have been so picky by a man?

After a few days, I met a lot of guests from old to young. Most of them thought that it was expensive to buy her first night for 80000 yuan. Finally, two of them were men of 50 or 60 years old.

She didn't want to be buried under a disgusting old man for the first time.

If you were to Mr. Yan, who was young and promising and no one could match his family background

She is willing to accept no money.

The present situation makes her feel inferior. Her pure face is unconsciously matched with a timid expression, which arouses the pity of men.

The flower mat's heart of pity and cherish jade together, waved to her, "small Tong comes over, accompany Yan Da to drink less first."

She hesitated and walked over.

Yan shiting put out half of his cigarette in the ashtray, stood up and walked out of the box without expression.

He Xiaotong has not had time to sit down on the sofa, see his behavior, instant face embarrassed white face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!